
Any bullying that takes place using electronic technology is considered cyberbullying.

Here are some things to do, if you encounter a cyberbully:

  • Don’t reply to messages from cyberbullies—even though you may really want to, this is exactly what cyberbullies want. They want to know that they’ve got you worried and upset.
  • Tell someone you know and trust. You are not alone and you did not do anything to deserve this.
    • Inform your Friends or family
    • U of S Protective Services
    • Student Health Services
    • Student Counselling Services
    • Aboriginal Students’ Centre
    • International Student and Study Abroad Centre
    • USSU Help Centre
    • USSU Pride Centre
    • USSU Women’s Centre
    • Saskatoon Police Service
  • Don’t assume that this can only happen to children – Adults can be the victim of cyberbullying too.
  • Do not erase or delete messages from cyberbullies—You don’t have to read it, but keep it as evidence. Law Enforcement can use these messages to help you.

Next R.A.D. (Rape Aggression Defense) Class: March 4th

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U of S Protective Services along with College of Kinesiology will be hosting our next R.A.D. Class March 4th/11th/18th/24th Wednesday evenings from 7:30pm until 10:30pm at the Education Building. To register please contact Campus rec @ 306-966-1001 or attend in person, Monday to Friday, at the Campus Rec office in the Kinesiology (PAC) Building – Room 222. It’s only $20.00 to register so tell your friends.

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R.A.D. (Rape Aggression Defense) System is a program that teaches women realistic self-defense tactics and techniques. One out of every four women is likely to face the possibility of physical assault in their lifetime. The R.A.D. program begins with awareness, prevention, risk reduction and avoidance, while progressing on to the basics of hands-on defensive training. The R.A.D. focus is about empowering women through education to protect themselves. R.A.D. techniques emphasize protection against rape and abduction. The R.A.D. classes conducted at U of S have been very successful and are a very important community service.

RAD – Self Defence for Women

Although R.A.D. stands for Rape Aggression Defence, this system can also benefit women in any situation where physical self defence skills and knowledge could help keep you safe.

Our next RAD offering begins October 29th for 3 hours per week for 4 weeks. Cost is only $20!

If you have a group of 10 or 12 women we can arrange a private course for you in either 3 hour x 4 format or 6 hour x 2.

Please contact or visit us at for more information!

All Valuables Removed

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U of S Protective Services together with the Saskatoon Police Service are reminding vehicle owners to protect themselves by removing valuables from their cars while they are parked on campus, or elsewhere.

Based on a similar, successful program in Edmonton, the SPS has developed signs which can be displayed in the windows of vehicles declaring “All Valuables Removed”. The signs are designed to remind motorists to remove valuables from their vehicles when parking them, and to deter thieves from entering the vehicle and stealing items.

Vehicle owners on campus may find these signs on their windshields where officers may have marked whether their vehicle appeared to be safe, or if valuables were obviously visible or insecure.

Drivers can re-use the signs afterward for their dashboard to alert would-be thieves that there is nothing of value inside their car or as a reminder to themselves to ensure valuables are not left behind.

Please stop by our office at 72 Campus Drive if you would like a one of these cards for your vehicle and did not receive one while it was parked.

Rape Aggression Defence (RAD) for the New Year

Ladies – this new year, don’t forget to register for a Basic Physical Defence class in the Winter Term.
Learn what you can do to protect yourself against violence and aggression.
Visit the PAC General Office today, or call (306) 966-1040 to sign up for the next Rape and Aggression Defense (RAD) class.  For more information, go to, or e-mail an instructor with your questions at”

Safety Over The Holidays

Here are some tips from Protective Services to ensure you have a safe and happy holiday season:

1. “To all those doing holiday shopping: do not leave gifts or parcels in plain sight in your vehicle. Always keep valuables with you, or secured in the trunk or glove box. Thefts from vehicles are common, especially this time of year, and only you can prevent them from occurring! ”

2.” Be safe at all your holiday parties! Limit the amount of alcoholic beverages you consume by replacing a few with water. Remember to never operate a motor vehicle after having consumed alcohol,  and to always find a designated driver or save cash for a cab ride home!”

3. “With the holiday season around the corner, the last thing you need is to get into a motor vehicle collision. Remember to drive slow when road conditions are poor, and to leave 15 minutes earlier than normal in order to take away the stress of being late due to traffic.”

Be Careful of Internet Fraud

Whenever you are buying or selling items online, whether they be goods or services, make sure to be cautious of any deals that sounds too good to be true, or require you to send money back for an overpayment.
If you are looking to rent a place for the summer or are looking for accommodations for university, make every effort to ensure the legitimacy of the deal.
Should you be interested in campus residence, contact the Residence Office for any questions regarding securing accommodation in U of S Residences; do not send funds electronically to unconfirmed individuals.

Keeping Safe This Holiday

While celebrating this holiday season, U of S Campus Safety would like to remind everyone to take heed of themselves, and those around, when consuming alcohol:

  • Don’t leave your drink unattended.
  • Know your limits. Don’t over drink just to keep up with the crowd.
  • Don’t Drink and Drive. Bring a designated driver, or take a cab!
  • Bring friends with you who also know their limits, or ones who do not drink at all.
  • Never get into a car with a stranger!
  • Stay hydrated: Drink one non-alcoholic drink for every alcoholic drink you have.
  • Drink slowly, and don’t drink on an empty stomach.
  • Stop drinking if you start to feel drunk!

Remember: The Saskatoon Police Service will be running check stops throughout the month and Campus Safety will be patrolling campus 24/7 over the holidays looking for drunk drivers. Drive safely, party safely, and we will see you in the new year!