Please Help Identify These Persons of Interest

Incident 2015-03105 Mischief Aspen Hall, March 15th 2015:


Please assist Protective Services in identifying the persons in the photo above, who may have information regarding to an incident of mischief / damage in Aspen Hall.

If you have any information, please contact Protective Services at 306-966-5555.


Any bullying that takes place using electronic technology is considered cyberbullying.

Here are some things to do, if you encounter a cyberbully:

  • Don’t reply to messages from cyberbullies—even though you may really want to, this is exactly what cyberbullies want. They want to know that they’ve got you worried and upset.
  • Tell someone you know and trust. You are not alone and you did not do anything to deserve this.
    • Inform your Friends or family
    • U of S Protective Services
    • Student Health Services
    • Student Counselling Services
    • Aboriginal Students’ Centre
    • International Student and Study Abroad Centre
    • USSU Help Centre
    • USSU Pride Centre
    • USSU Women’s Centre
    • Saskatoon Police Service
  • Don’t assume that this can only happen to children – Adults can be the victim of cyberbullying too.
  • Do not erase or delete messages from cyberbullies—You don’t have to read it, but keep it as evidence. Law Enforcement can use these messages to help you.

Please Help Us Identify These People

Please help us identify these people of interest for two incidents (scroll down to see more images).

Incident 2015-02388 Locker Theft from Law Building:



Incident 2015-02427 Mischief / Damage Seager Wheeler:

**Thanks to your help these individuals were identified and the photographs were removed**

If you have any information about these or other incidents on campus, please contact Protective Services at 306-966-5555.