Help Identify These Individuals

Incident 2015-07229 – Marquis Hall – Theft

Please help identify these individuals related to a theft from Marquis Hall on the evening of June 8th:

20150608172603 20150608172554


If you have any information, or see any suspicious behaviour on campus, please contact Protective Services immediately at 306-966-5555

Please Help Us Identify These People

Please help us identify these people of interest for two incidents (scroll down to see more images).

Incident 2015-02388 Locker Theft from Law Building:



Incident 2015-02427 Mischief / Damage Seager Wheeler:

**Thanks to your help these individuals were identified and the photographs were removed**

If you have any information about these or other incidents on campus, please contact Protective Services at 306-966-5555. 

More Persons of Interest

U of S 2014-10366 & 2014-10316 Damage & Mischief College Quarter
Time: 0108Hrs
Date: November 2nd, 2014

UPDATE: Thanks to your efforts we have identified the individuals in this case and removed the photos.

Please contact us at 306-966-5555 if you see anything suspicious on campus 24 hours a day.

Please Help Identify This Individual – Bike Theft from Canadian Light Source

On July 18th at approximately 3:00pm the following individual was caught on camera in the process of stealing a bicycle from the bike racks outside of the Canadian Light Source.

CLS Bike Racks July 18 2014_3

CLS Bike Racks July 18 2014_2

CLS Bike Racks July 18 2014_5

CLS Bike Racks July 18 2014_4

CLS Bike Racks July 18 2014_6

CLS Bike Racks July 18 2014_1

If you have any information which can help identify this individual, or if you have any other information about incidents on campus, please contact us at 306-966-5555.

Mischief in U Lot July 14th

Over the weekend several vehicles were damaged in a deliberate act of mischief at U Lot located adjacent to the U of S residences in McEown Park.
Sometime through the night of July 14th, 2013, one or more perpetrators struck and appeared to walk and jump on top of vehicles in an attempt to cause damage. No vehicles were broken into and no items stolen, however at least six vehicles sustained serious damage to their body and glass.
If you have any information about this incident please contact Campus Safety at 306-966-5555.
Always report suspicious activity immediately, 24 hours a day… anytime you see something unusual give us a call.

Help Identify the Artist

Campus Safety is looking for assistance in identifying an artist who is responsible for the below image, and may have information regarding a campus incident. If you know or are familiar with this or similar art, please contact Campus Safety at 306-966-5555.