Please help identify this person of interest

*UPDATED Thursday September 24th, 2:34PM*

Thanks to your assistance, we were able to positively identify the individual related to this incident.


Protective Services is looking for information related to a mischief call at Aspen Hall which occurred during the early morning of September 6th, 2015.

If you have any information, or know the identity of the person below, please contact Protective Services at 306-966-5555

U of S File 2015-12084 Mischief Under $5,000 (Aspen Hall) September 6, 2015


Help Identify These Individuals

Incident 2015-07229 – Marquis Hall – Theft

Please help identify these individuals related to a theft from Marquis Hall on the evening of June 8th:

20150608172603 20150608172554


If you have any information, or see any suspicious behaviour on campus, please contact Protective Services immediately at 306-966-5555

Please Help Identify These Persons of Interest

Incident 2015-03105 Mischief Aspen Hall, March 15th 2015:


Please assist Protective Services in identifying the persons in the photo above, who may have information regarding to an incident of mischief / damage in Aspen Hall.

If you have any information, please contact Protective Services at 306-966-5555.

Please Help Us Identify These People

Please help us identify these people of interest for two incidents (scroll down to see more images).

Incident 2015-02388 Locker Theft from Law Building:



Incident 2015-02427 Mischief / Damage Seager Wheeler:

**Thanks to your help these individuals were identified and the photographs were removed**

If you have any information about these or other incidents on campus, please contact Protective Services at 306-966-5555. 

Please Help Identify Person of Interest

Incident 2014-10311 Mischief (False Fire Alarm) Pine Hall, November 1st, 2014

Please help us identify the following individual who may have information regarding a false fire alarm and mischief cased at Pine Hall on November 1st.

If you have information, please call us at 306-966-5555

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