Operation 20/20

Campus Safety will be participating in “Operation 20/20”, joining law enforcement agencies across the province on February 15th and 16th in an effort to discourage drivers from operating their motor vehicles with obscured front, side or rear windows. The fine for driving without a clear view due to exterior or interior obstruction is $125.

Operation Crossroads

On January 18th and 19th, U of S Campus Safety will be joining law enforcement agencies across the province in “Operation Crossroads”. Campus Peace Officers will be monitoring all major intersections on campus during this two day blitz to ensure drivers are operating their motor vehicles with care. Disobey stop sign and failure to yield to a pedestrian at an intersection are two examples of the types of offences which are typical of unsafe drivers.
Please drive safely and ensure you are complying with all safety rules and regulations while driving on and off campus.

Drive Safe This Christmas (TAC 20th Anniversary)

On December 10th 1989 the first TAC commercial went to air. In that year the road toll was 776; by last year 2008 it had fallen to 303.
A five minute retrospective of the road safety campaigns produced by the TAC over the last 20 years has been compiled. The montage features iconic scenes and images from commercials that have helped change they way we drive, all edited to the moving song Everybody Hurts by REM.
This campaign is a chance to revisit some of the images that have been engraved on our memories, remember the many thousands of people who have been affected by road trauma and remind us all that for everyones sake; please, drive safely.
Transport Accident Commission Victoria.

Traffic Safety “Stop Signs”

Stop Sign.BMP
Every year in Canada approximately 3,000 people die and an additional 19,000 are seriously injured in traffic collisions. On an average year in Canada there are 675,000 traffic collisions.
More than 40 per cent of all traffic accidents in Saskatchewan and about one quarter of all fatal traffic accidents occur at intersections.
Most fatal collisions at intersections happened because a driver ignored or missed the traffic control device.
Stop signs, Yield signs, and Traffic Control Lights are in place to control the flow of vehicles on highways.
The fine for disobeying a traffic control device is $230.00 and 4 points against your driver’s license under the Driver Improvement Program.
The fines are aimed at highlighting the serious safety implications of traffic violations at intersections and assist in deterring drivers from engaging in these dangerous actions.
In our effort to ensure public safety on campus roads, we want people to know that our members are out there actively enforcing our traffic safety laws, as well as looking for unsafe vehicles and impaired drivers.

Drinking and Driving

Well it’s that time of year when we all gather with friends and family for the Holiday Season. Unfortunately it’s also the time of year when a lot of unnecessary Drinking and Driving occurs. Campus Safety will be actively enforcing a ZERO TOLERANCE for drinking and driving on Campus over this Holiday Season.

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