Monthly Archives: February 2019

Clothing Swap on Friday!

Clean out your closet, refresh your wardrobe, save money, and donate! The USSU will be hosting the popular clothing swap on February 15, 9am-2pm in the North Concourse, Place Riel.

Clothing can be dropped off at the USSU office in Place Riel leading up to the Clothing Swap on Friday!

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Elder Time – Tea With Kokum

The USSU has partnered with Elder Marjorie Beaucage, with the hope of engaging students on campus. Elders are knowledge keepers, transmitters of cultural and spiritual sensibilities, advisors, healers, counsellors, and providers of wisdom.

ELDER TIME will be a combination of formal and informal teachings, presentations, interactive activities, fun, tea, and visiting with the possibility of other conversations centered around the teachings of the Medicine Wheel.

Come experience the drum!

Song Vibrations in the Universe. What Relations Could Look Like, Feel Like in the Future

February 13
TIME: 1:00pm
LOCATION: Gordon Oakes Red Bear Student Centre

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USSU Teaching Excellence Awards

Do you have a Professor or Teaching Assistant that inspires you? Is your instructor passionate about teaching? Do they go that extra mile to ensure you succeed?

Nominate them for a Teaching Excellence Award

Deadline is February 11, 2019.

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American Sign Language Workshop

If you missed the Term 1 workshop, here’s your second chance! An instructor from the Saskatchewan Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services will be leading an American Sign Language Workshop this Friday, February 8th from 3 to 4 pm in Roy Romanow Student Council Chamber. Everyone is welcome!

Sign up at

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Imaginus Poster Sale

The Imaginus poster sale is back, today and tomorrow (February 4 & 5) in Place Riel. 9am-7pm on Monday and 9am-5pm on Tuesday.

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Elder Time – Tea with Kokum

The USSU has partnered with Elder Marjorie Beaucage, with the hope of engaging students on campus. Elders are knowledge keepers, transmitters of cultural and spiritual sensibilities, advisors, healers, counsellors, and providers of wisdom.

ELDER TIME will be a combination of formal and informal teachings, presentations, interactive activities, fun, tea, and visiting with the possibility of other conversations centered around the teachings of the Medicine Wheel.

What Settler People and Newcomers Brought Hereā€¦ What Was Left Behind?

February 6
TIME: 1:00pm
LOCATION: Roy Romanow Student Council Chamber

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