Monthly Archives: February 2020

Rally For Students – Feb 27

The reality is that tuition increases are out of line with the financial hardships that many students in Saskatchewan are facing. We would like to see the government and university administration moving to ensure post-secondary education is affordable for all students!

On February 27, come to the Bowl and support students!!

The Bowl
11:30 am
Hot Chocolate!

For more information visit our Facebook Event

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USSU Women In Leadership

The University of Saskatchewan Students’ Union is hosting the fourth annual Women In Leadership on March 3rd and 4th, 2020, at Louis’ Loft. Women In Leadership is dedicated to the celebration of our achievements and accomplishments while encouraging students at the U of S to engage in leadership activities. This year the theme for Women In Leadership Panel is “Breaking the Mould,” with the goal of showcasing women in non-traditional leadership roles.

This event will celebrate female leadership in a variety of professions, industries, studies, disciplines, and backgrounds. We would like to focus on the achievements that women have made in their fields while highlighting the challenges they have overcome in leadership positions and discuss the solutions that may help other women take action to the current problems that we know exist.

This event is free, for more information visit our Facebook Event

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USSU Now Hiring

The USSU is hiring coordinators for the Food, Pride, and Women’s Centres. The application deadline is February 28, please visit for more details.

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STI Testing Day

The Student Wellness Centre and USSU have teamed up to host an STI testing event. The event starts on February 26th at 9 am and will run until 2 pm!
Bring your Health Card and a full bladder!
Every college that enters will be competing for the “PEE-cup” as well as a $500 dollar donation to a charity of their choice, AND a $500 donation to their student organization!! There will also be prizes for individual students who come and get tested!
Agriculture and Bioresources
Health Science
Medicine Shoppe
Lower Place Riel
Arts and Science
BUT WAIT! If you are unable to participate during the event, you can book an appointment with the Student Wellness Centre from Feb 26 – March 4 and you can still be entered to win PRIZES!!
We know you’re all worried about midterms and assignments, so why not come and try the easiest test you’ll ever take for some PEE-se of mind!!”
Thanks to our partners: Student Wellness Centre, College of Nursing, Saskatoon Sexual Health Clinic, Medicine Shoppe, OUTSaskatoon, Saskatchewan Prevention Institute, AIDS Saskatoon.

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USSU Teaching Excellence Awards

The USSU Teaching Excellence Awards recognizes Professors and Teaching Assistants who demonstrate teaching excellence at the University of Saskatchewan. An excellent teacher not only gives us access to knowledge but also gives us the tools with which to turn that knowledge into wisdom. Students evaluate teachers and their environment in a number of ways; three important areas include enthusiasm, organization, and fairness of evaluation.

Do you have a Professor or Teaching Assistant that inspires you? Is your instructor passionate about teaching? Do they go that extra mile to ensure you succeed?

Nominate them for a Teaching Excellence Award!

Nominations are open until 4:30 on February 14, 2020.

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USSU Special General Meeting

The SGM will be held Thursday, February 6, 2020, at 6:00 p.m. in the Neatby Timlin Theatre (ARTS 241). Please bring your student card for verification as a current U of S undergraduate student.

Pizza and pop will be provided.

For more information and the proposed amendments to the USSU Bylaw please visit

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