Monthly Archives: February 2022

USSU Undergraduate Symposium

The USSU Undergraduate Symposium is an annual event highlighting the research, scholarly and artistic works of undergraduate students at the University of Saskatchewan. The 2022 Symposium will take place in a hybrid format (online and in-person) on March 30, 2022.

From research posters to sculptures, presentations to musical numbers, community-engaged learning experiences to dramatic dialogues, FYRE projects, honours, Dean’s Projects, summer research: any type of work may be submitted! All research conducted within the past year (including projects that you’ve presented in class or at a department or college research day) are all eligible to be presented at the USSU Symposium.

Register Here Last Day to Register is March 4, 2022

Recorded presentations uploaded to Canvas are due March 18th, 2022

Judging will take place from March 21st through March 30th

Potential in-person event will be March 30th, 2022 at Louis’ Loft

If you have any questions, please direct them to

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USSU Teaching Excellence Awards

The USSU Teaching Excellence Awards recognizes Professors and Teaching Assistants who demonstrate teaching excellence at the University of Saskatchewan. An excellent teacher gives us access to knowledge and gives us the tools to turn that knowledge into wisdom. Students evaluate teachers and their environment in a number of ways; three important areas include enthusiasm, organization, and fairness of evaluation.

Do you have a Professor or Teaching Assistant that inspires you? Is your instructor passionate about teaching? Do they go that extra mile to ensure you succeed?

Nominate them for a Teaching Excellence Award!

Nominations are open until February 18.

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Sustainability Grant

The Sustainability Grant is dedicated to helping students achieve their sustainable initiatives. Each year since its conception, this grant has supported numerous projects. This year, the USSU and the Office of Sustainability will each contribute $2,500.  The President’s Office also contributes funding each year, as outlined in the Sustainability Memorandum of Understanding.
The Sustainability Committee will not disperse funds to undergraduate students or groups for direct donation to charity, the cost of alcohol served at any event, the day-to-day administrative costs of an organization, year-end banquets, travel or travel expenses or conferences.
For grant requests in excess of $500.00, groups are required to make a brief presentation to the Sustainability Committee in addition to submitting a request form.

Click here to apply or for more information, please email

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