Monthly Archives: November 2021

USSU Annual General Meeting

Join us for the USSU AGM and vote on important Bylaw changes that direct the union, AND be entered to win 1 of 10 $50 gift cards from SKIP!The AGM will be held Thursday, November 25, 2021, at 6 pm on ZOOM.

For more information and the amendments please visit

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USSU Annual General Meeting

All undergraduate students are eligible to propose amendments to the USSU Bylaw. The USSU consults with the USSU lawyer to ensure that the proposed amendments are legal, and adhere to the spirit and intent of the Bylaw.

The AGM will be held Thursday, November 25, 2021, at 6 pm on ZOOM. To register for the Annual General Meeting visit

Please use the Amendment Form and email your proposed amendments to

Proposed amendments are due November 5, 2021, by 4:30 pm.

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