Monthly Archives: October 2019

USSU Teaching Excellence Awards

The USSU Teaching Excellence Awards recognizes Professors and Teaching Assistants who demonstrate teaching excellence at the University of Saskatchewan. An excellent teacher not only gives us access to knowledge but also gives us the tools with which to turn that knowledge into wisdom. Students evaluate teachers and their environment in a number of ways; three important areas include enthusiasm, organization, and fairness of evaluation.

Do you have a Professor or Teaching Assistant that inspires you? Is your instructor passionate about teaching? Do they go that extra mile to ensure you succeed?

Nominate them for a Teaching Excellence Award!

Nominations are open from October 21 to November 1.


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USSU Annual General Meeting

All undergraduate students are eligible to propose amendments to the USSU Bylaw. The USSU consults with the USSU lawyer to ensure that the proposed amendments adhere to the spirit and intent of the Bylaw.

The AGM will be held Thursday, November 21, 2019, at 6 pm in the Neatby Timlin Theatre (ARTS 241). Please bring your student card for verification as a current U of S student. Pizza and pop will be provided.

Please use the Amendment Form and email your proposed amendments to

Proposed amendments are due November 1, 2019, by 4:30 pm.

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USSU By-Election – VOTE Oct 9 and 10

The University of Saskatchewan Students’ Union (USSU) is holding a By-Election for Vice-President Student Affairs, and Members of Students’ Council. Voting begins at 9 am on Wednesday, October 9, and ends at 4 pm on Thursday, October 10.

All eligible voters will have access to the election channel in PAWS. This channel appears in the main PAWS menu under the heading, “Vote”

For candidate information visit

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USSU By-Election

The University of Saskatchewan Students’ Union (USSU) is holding a By-Election for Vice-President Student Affairs, and Members of Student Council. Voting begins on PAWS at 9am on Wednesday, October 9, and ends at 4pm on Thursday, October 10, 2019. Results will be announced after the Election Committee ratifies the results and will also be available online.

VP Student Affairs Meet and Greet

October 8, 2019
3 pm
Louis’ Loft, behind the fireplace.

Campaigning begins October 7, 2019. Visit for candidate information.

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Mental Health Awareness Week

Monday, October 7

Resource Fair
Place Riel, North Concourse
10 am-1 pm

  • Games, snacks, and lot’s of resources pertaining to mental health
  • Self-care booth where we do Henna
  • Popcorn and slushies
  • Information on mental health as well as resources

Self Care Night
Wellness Centre, Marquis Room 104
5-7 pm
Games and snacks! Meet other people, and just have a chill evening.

Tuesday, October 8

International Students and Mental Health
Place Riel, North Concourse
Information on some of the things international students have to deal with when coming to another country.

  • Culture Shock
  • Parental Pressures
  • Stigma
  • Financial Pressures
  • Loneliness
  • And a lot more

Culture Shock Workshop
ISAAC Room 70.4 Lower Place Riel
4:30- 6:00 pm
We will be providing pizza!

Being an International student and coming from another country can be tough. Whether it be trying to adjust to Canadian culture or trying to feel accepted, culture shock can affect one’s experience and mental health while living abroad. Join us for some information. Food and wonderful discussions around what culture shock looks like and listen to the experiences of other international students. You don’t have to be an international student to come, everyone is welcome! 70.4 lower Place Riel, ISAAC Training room. Register on the link to let us know if you are coming! It is completely free! Food will be provided!

Register here  

Facebook Event 

Wednesday, October 9

Men’s Health and Resources on LGBTQ+ Mental Health
Place Riel, North Concourse

Thursday, October 10

Harm Reduction
Place Riel, North Concourse

Information on harm reduction, mental health, and addictions.

Harm Reduction through the Medicine Wheel
Arts 213
1:30-3:30 pm

Facilitated by Lauryn Kronick, Education & Prevention Coordinator, AIDS Saskatoon (pronouns: they/them)
What is harm reduction and how can we apply this to our daily lives? In this interactive workshop, we’ll talk about how to apply harm reduction practices in our communities and how to use it for ourselves. We will be exploring harm reduction through the Medicine Wheel model with a focus on mental health, communities of care and support, stigma, and more. There will be a Powerpoint presentation in addition to small group break-out discussions with handout activities.

Friday, October 11

The Biology of Mental Health
Place Riel, North Concourse

Information and displays on invisible disabilities

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Elections Canada – Vote On Campus

Students, Staff, and Faculty will be able to cast a vote in the upcoming Federal Election in the Roy Romanow Student Council Chamber in Place Riel and the Education Building from October 5–9.

Bring ID, register, vote. Your place of residence is where you ordinarily live, where you think of as home or have adopted as home. Once you’ve decided on your place of residence, bring ID with that address to register and vote.

Visit to find out what pieces of ID you can use.

  • Saturday, Oct. 5, 9 am–6 pm
  • Sunday, Oct. 6, 12 pm–4 pm
  • Monday, Oct. 7, 10 am–10:30 pm
  • Tuesday, Oct. 8, 10 am–10:30 pm
  • Wednesday, Oct. 9, 10 am–10:30 pm

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