Monthly Archives: October 2020

Teaching Excellence Awards

The USSU Teaching Excellence Awards recognizes Professors and Teaching Assistants who demonstrate teaching excellence at the University of Saskatchewan. An excellent teacher gives us access to knowledge and gives us the tools to turn that knowledge into wisdom. Students evaluate teachers and their environment in a number of ways; three important areas include enthusiasm, organization, and fairness of evaluation.
Do you have a Professor or Teaching Assistant that inspires you? Is your instructor passionate about teaching? Do they go that extra mile to ensure you succeed?
Nominations are open from October 26 to November 6.

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Annual General Meeting

All undergraduate students are eligible to propose amendments to the USSU Bylaw. The USSU consults with the USSU lawyer to ensure that the proposed amendments adhere to the spirit and intent of the Bylaw.

The AGM will be held Thursday, November 19, 2020, at 6 pm on ZOOM. To register for the Annual General Meeting visit

Please use the Amendment Form and email your proposed amendments to
Proposed amendments are due October 30, 2020, by 4:30 pm.

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Mayoral Candidates Forum

The USSU is hosting a Mayoral Candidates Forum on October 20th at 5pm on ZOOM. Martin Gaal from the Department of Political Studies at the University of Saskatchewan will moderate the forum. Join us to ask questions that concern students.

Don Atchison
Charlie Clark (incumbent)
Rob Norris
Zubair Sheikh
Cary Tarasoff
Mark Zielke

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