Mental Health Awareness Week

Midterms got you feeling like you just finished a marathon? We’ve got your back!

Join us for mental health awareness week! Here’s the plan to keep the stress at bay and learn helpful life skills!

Mindfulness Monday: Mindfulness Workshop
Oct 23, 4pm Louis’ Private Function Room

Take Care Of Yourself Tuesday: DIY Lip Scrub and Body Moisturizer
Oct 24, 4pm Help Centre, Memorial Union Building

Workout Wednesday: Instagram Contest
Oct 25, Send us your workout activities

Therapy Thursday: What The Feels (WTF) by psychotherapist Sonia Ahmad
Oct 26, 4pm Roy Romanow Student Council Chamber, Place Riel

Therapy Dogs – Place Riel North Concourse, 1pm

Funday Friday: Paint Night and Donuts
Oct 27, 4pm Help Centre, Memorial Union Building

Join us for a week of relaxation, self-care, and a whole lotta fun! Come and enjoy the events and free snacks! Visit our Instagram @ussuhelpcentre for more details.

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