The USSU Women’s Centre is hosting Sexual Violence Awareness Week. Our week will focus on awareness, steps that can be taken toward prevention, community, and healing.
Monday, September 20
Sexualized Violence 101: Understanding Sexualized Violence
Join us at 2:30 as Morgan Price (Education & Outreach Coordinator at Saskatoon Sexual Assault and Information Centre) kicks off our Sexual Violence Awareness Week with a presentation about understanding sexualized violence. Sexualized Violence 101: all the things we think you should know about this systemic issue and what we can do to begin eradicating sexualized violence from our community. Topics covered will include definitions of terminology, an overview of consent and the law, impacts on survivors, and ways to be a strong support person. All are welcome!
Tuesday, September 21
In the era of the Me Too movement, conversations about sexualized violence have entered the mainstream media. As we learn to understand its harmful impacts, we also strive to eliminate this harm from our communities. In this session we will discuss power & privilege, consent, and the ways in which we can take action for individual and systemic change. Join us Tuesday at 2pm.
Wednesday, September 22
Join us on the USSU Discord Server at 7pm
Thursday, September 23
Letter Writing Campaign at the Women’s Centre, 103 Memorial Union Building 2:30pm-4pm