Author Archives: jbv373

Health and Dental Plan

REMINDER: End of the Change-of-Coverage Period (fall)
You only have a few more days to enrol your dependants in or to opt out of the Health & Dental Plan. Deadline is September 30, 2021.
Find out more at

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Sexual Violence Awareness Week

The USSU Women’s Centre is hosting Sexual Violence Awareness Week. Our week will focus on awareness, steps that can be taken toward prevention, community, and healing.

Monday, September 20

Sexualized Violence 101: Understanding Sexualized Violence

Join us at 2:30 as Morgan Price (Education & Outreach Coordinator at Saskatoon Sexual Assault and Information Centre) kicks off our Sexual Violence Awareness Week with a presentation about understanding sexualized violence. Sexualized Violence 101: all the things we think you should know about this systemic issue and what we can do to begin eradicating sexualized violence from our community. Topics covered will include definitions of terminology, an overview of consent and the law, impacts on survivors, and ways to be a strong support person. All are welcome!

Tuesday, September 21

Consent and Campus Culture

In the era of the Me Too movement, conversations about sexualized violence have entered the mainstream media. As we learn to understand its harmful impacts, we also strive to eliminate this harm from our communities. In this session we will discuss power & privilege, consent, and the ways in which we can take action for individual and systemic change. Join us Tuesday at 2pm.

Wednesday, September 22

Ted Talk Night and Discussion 

Join us on the USSU Discord Server at 7pm

Thursday, September 23

Letter Writing Campaign at the Women’s Centre, 103 Memorial Union Building 2:30pm-4pm



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Campus Group Welcome Week

Interested in joining a club? Campus Club Week is perfect for you! Check out the Arts Tunnel September 7-10 to see all the different clubs this campus has to offer. Groups will be promoting their events, recruiting members and informing students on their mandate. For more information regarding campus groups, visit the ussuhub

Interested in booking a table? Email

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USSU Welcome Week Sept 2-3

This year will be different in many ways, but the USSU is determined to continue to offer as many of our services as possible! Our Welcome Week contests and activities will take place in the Bowl September 2-3, from 10am to 4pm.

Survival Calendar
If you are looking for a copy of the Survival Calendar, you’ll be able to find it at the information tent in the Bowl, along with other great swag giveaways.

There will be DJs and a live performance from the Association Jeunesse Fransaskoise (AJF) each day at 12:30. SaskTel will be in the Bowl, providing games and opportunities to win great prizes. You will also see lawn games, cotton candy, and a lot more.

Carless Drive-In September 2, 8PM
Mean Girls
It’s going to be so FETCH!
SaskTel blankets will be available while supplies last.

Information Tent
Learn about the different things you can do and experience on campus.

Pop Up Covid-19 Vaccination Clinic
The Student Wellness Centre will be hosting a pop-up COVID-19 vaccination clinic in the Bowl between 10am and 4pm on September 2 and 3. Students can make appointments in advance by calling 306-966-5768, and walk-up appointments are welcome. In the event of poor weather conditions, the clinic will be moved inside Convocation Hall. Vaccines are also available through most pharmacies and pop-up clinics across the province.

COVID-19 rapid screening test appointments are also offered at the Student Wellness Centre. To find out available times, call the Student Wellness Centre at 306-966-5768 or email

USSU Executive Buzzfeed Quiz
Ever wondered which USSU Executive you would be? Take our Executive Buzzfeed quiz and find out!

Online Scavenger Hunt
Get to know the USSU by taking our Virtual Scavenger Hunt. There will Be Louis’ and Louis’ Loft Gift cards for the winners.

You only need to enter one group to win, and the questions are the same in each group.

Group 1 Game PIN: 08674974

Group 2 Game PIN: 05840296

Group 3 Game PIN: 08035633




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USSU Childcare Availability 

The USSU Childcare Centre is currently accepting applications for Toddlers (19months-2.5 years old) and Pre-schoolers (2.5-6 years old).

Visit for details or contact

Executive Director
Colleen Gerling

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Join A USSU Committee This Year

Calling all USask undergrad student leaders. This is your chance to make a difference on campus!

You are eligible to apply for Student At Large (SAL) positions on any of the USSU Committees. Committee descriptions are available Students may also read the SAL Policy at for more information regarding SAL responsibilities.

Being a SAL gives you the opportunity to learn about student governance, grow your network, gain leadership skills, build your resume and earn a CCR credit! If any of the following committees are of interest to you, please submit your application by September 16, 2021 at 4pm.

We have numerous committees to help guide the USSU. Join a committee that matches your interests.

Academic Relations Committee
Campus Group Committee
Finance and Assessment Committee
Elections Committee
External Relations Committee
Indigenous Student Advisory Committee
International Student Advisory Committee
Student Experience Committee
Sustainability Committee

Visit to fill out your application.

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Fall Term U-Pass – Your Phone Is Now Your U-Pass

To use your smartphone as your U-Pass, follow these instructions:

Setup your smartphone:

  1. Make sure you have been assessed the U-Pass fee or have filled out the opt-in application and that you see the U-Pass fee on your student tuition account on PAWS.
  2. Go to your phone’s app store and download the Saskatoon mobile ticketing app, Transit Go (TGo)
    Link to Apple’s App Store
    Link to Google Play Store
  3. Once you have downloaded and installed the app, follow these steps to create an account
    1. Open the Transit Go app and in the top right corner, click the three lines to be presented with the Utilities menu
    2. Select “My Account”
    3. Select “New account” if you haven’t created an account for the Transit Go app
    4. Enter your Usask email address in this format
      1. It is very important that you use that email format, do not use or If you do not use that format, PAWS will not recognize your account and your U-Pass will not be available on your phone.
      2. Enter a password for your Transit Go account, we recommend not using the same password as your University accounts.
      3. After entering your password a second time, select the “Create a new account” button.
    5. Check your Usask email account ( for a verification email from Saskatoon Transit. The email will be from (if you don’t see it within 5 minutes, check your spam/junk folder)
    6. You will need to click the Verify Account link in the email to complete your account creation setup
    7. After you have verified your account, you can follow the next steps on PAWS.

Link your Transit App to your student account:

  1. Login to PAWS and go to the U-Pass portal
  2. You will then be shown a list of term options available to you.
  3. If the system shows that you are not eligible for a U-Pass, you are either:
    1. not enrolled in classes for that term, so you wouldn’t be eligible
    2. not registered for on-campus classes (only taking remote/distance classes), in that case you would have to opt-in if you want the U-Pass
    3. your college/department may not have finalized the class delivery method (in-person/online) but will have done that closer to the start of the term
  4. If you are eligible for a U-Pass for a term, you will see an [Activate] button next to the list, click that button.
  5. Your U-Pass will appear on your mobile phone in the Saskatoon Transit Go app in less than 3 minutes.
  6. If you don’t see the pass after that time, select the “My Passes” button in the app and press the refresh icon in the top right corner.
  7. You will then be able to activate your U-Pass on your phone after the start of the term (after 12:00am on July 1st for Summer term and after 12:00am on September 1st for Fall term)

U-Pass Opt-In

Students taking remote delivery classes will not be automatically assessed, and opt-ins are required each term.

  1. Fill out the Opt-In Form
  2. Check your PAWS account to see if the assessment has been placed on your account. This could take up to four business days.
  3. Once you are assessed the fee follow the steps above to load your U-Pass onto your smartphone.
  4. The last day to Opt-In for Fall Term U-Pass is November 30, 2021.

U-Pass Opt-Out

If you have been assessed the U-Pass fee, normal parameters exist for opting out for students attending on-campus courses. Students may apply to opt-out of the U-Pass service if they qualify in one of the following categories: living outside the city limits, living in on-campus housing (Ogle Hall, Voyageur Place Residence, Lutheran Theological Seminary, and St. Andrew’s, (College Quarter residences are not eligible), or they are unable to ride the bus due to a disability.

Fall Term Important Dates

August 16, 2021

Fall Term U-Pass can be loaded. Fall Term U-Pass allows you to access Saskatoon Transit from September 1 to December 31.

You will be required to activate your U-Pass each term.

August 16, 2021

Opt-Out applications may be submitted online to the USSU.

August 31, 2021

Summer Term U-Pass is deactivated at the end of the day. Fall Term U-Pass will be required effective September 1.

September 1, 2021

Fall Term U-Pass is active. You will be able to activate your U-Pass on your phone after the start of the term (after 12:00am on September 1st for the Fall Term)

September 16, 2021

Last day to apply for Fall Term Opt-Outs. Completed online applications are due no later than 4:30 pm.

November 30, 2021

Last day to Opt-In for Fall Term U-Pass is November 30, 2021.

December 31, 2021

Fall Term U-Pass is deactivated at the end of the day. Winter Term U-Pass will be required on January 1.

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Your Phone Is Now Your U-Pass

U-Pass is now available on your smartphone. The Saskatoon Transit app allows eligible U-Pass users to access their U-Pass directly from their smartphones. For more information on how to download the Saskatoon Transit app and link your student account visit

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Spring Term U-Pass

Due to the on-going COVID-19 pandemic, Place Riel will remain closed to the general public. This means U-Pass must be distributed differently for the Spring Term.

Undergraduate students taking any on campus component will be assessed the U-Pass fee. Please schedule an appointment and come individually to Place Riel for your card activation, activations are required each term. Appointment information will be sent to you with your confirmation email.

U-Pass Opt-In

Students taking remote delivery classes will not be automatically assessed, and opt-ins are required each term. Any student who wishes to Opt-In to the U-Pass Click Here and follow these steps:

  1. Fill out the Opt-In Form
  2. Check your PAWS account to see if the assessment has been placed on your account. This could take up to four business days.
  3. Once you are assessed the fee, schedule an appointment and come individually to Place Riel for your card activation.
  4. Please ensure that you have your student card, and have been assessed the U-Pass fee on your PAWS account before scheduling an appointment to activate your U-Pass. You will receive a confirmation email for your appointment.
  5. When you arrive at the front doors of Place Riel for your scheduled appointment, call 306-966-6962, have your student card ready, and a USSU employee will greet you, confirm your appointment, and escort you to the USSU office to activate your U-Pass.
  6. The last day to Opt-In for Spring Term U-Pass is June 11, 2021.

U-Pass Opt-Out 

If you have been assessed the U-Pass fee, normal parameters exist for opting out for students attending on-campus courses. Students may apply to opt-out of the U-Pass service if they qualify in one of the following categories: living outside the city limits, living in on-campus housing (Ogle Hall, Voyageur Place Residence, Lutheran Theological Seminary, and St. Andrew’s, (College Quarter residences are not eligible), or they are unable to ride the bus due to a disability.
Spring Term Opt-Outs will be processed by Student Accounts starting the first week of May 2021. 

Face Masks

Face masks (non-medical mask or cloth face-coverings) are mandatory in all indoor public spaces for faculty, staff, and students who have approved access or are required to be on campus.

Feeling Sick

If you are feeling unwell and/or showing signs of illness, you should self-isolate. Even if your illness and symptoms are not consistent with that of the COVID-19 virus, please stay home, monitor your symptoms, and reduce your contact with others:

  • isolate yourself at home to avoid spreading it to others
    • if you live with others, stay in a separate room or keep a 2-metre distance
  • visit a health care professional or call your local public health authority
    • call ahead to tell them your symptoms and follow their instructions

For more information regarding U-Pass, please email

Important Dates:

April 19, 2021
Spring Term U-Pass can be activated or reactivated at the USSU Office in Upper Place Riel.

* If you previously received a U-Pass, you will be required to reactivate your U-Pass at the USSU Office. Spring Term U-Pass is active May 1 to June 30.

April 19, 2021
Opt-Out applications may be submitted online to the USSU.

April 30, 2021
Winter Term U-Pass is deactivated at the end of the day. Spring Term U-Pass will be required effective May 1, 2021.

May 1, 2021
Spring Term U-Pass is active. If you have received or reactivated your U-Pass for the 2021 Spring Term, you can access Saskatoon Transit with your U-Pass.

May 14, 2021
Last day to submit opt-out applications for qualified students enrolled in Spring Term, Quarter 1, Quarter 2 (6 credit), and Quarter 1 (3 credit) classes. Completed online applications are due no later than 4:30 p.m.

June 4, 2021
Last day to submit opt-out applications for qualified students enrolled in Spring Term, Quarter 2 (3 credit classes). Completed online applications are due no later than 4:30 p.m.

June 1, 2021
Last day to submit opt-in applications for qualified students enrolled in Spring Term. Completed online applications are due no later than 4:30 p.m.

June 30, 2021
Spring Term U-Pass is deactivated at the end of the day. Summer Term U-Pass will be required effective July 1, 2021.

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USSU – Empower Me

The USSU is proud to offer this service to our members! If you’re struggling to find support during this time of physical distancing, Empower Me provides access to counselling and other well-being services delivered by telephone or video-conferencing. It’s confidential, multilingual, and accessible 24/7 at 1-833-628-5589 from anywhere in North America.

Learn more at

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