Spring Term U-Pass

Due to the on-going COVID-19 pandemic, Place Riel will remain closed to the general public. This means U-Pass must be distributed differently for the Spring Term.

Undergraduate students taking any on campus component will be assessed the U-Pass fee. Please schedule an appointment and come individually to Place Riel for your card activation, activations are required each term. Appointment information will be sent to you with your confirmation email.

U-Pass Opt-In

Students taking remote delivery classes will not be automatically assessed, and opt-ins are required each term. Any student who wishes to Opt-In to the U-Pass Click Here and follow these steps:

  1. Fill out the Opt-In Form
  2. Check your PAWS account to see if the assessment has been placed on your account. This could take up to four business days.
  3. Once you are assessed the fee, schedule an appointment and come individually to Place Riel for your card activation.
  4. Please ensure that you have your student card, and have been assessed the U-Pass fee on your PAWS account before scheduling an appointment to activate your U-Pass. You will receive a confirmation email for your appointment.
  5. When you arrive at the front doors of Place Riel for your scheduled appointment, call 306-966-6962, have your student card ready, and a USSU employee will greet you, confirm your appointment, and escort you to the USSU office to activate your U-Pass.
  6. The last day to Opt-In for Spring Term U-Pass is June 11, 2021.

U-Pass Opt-Out 

If you have been assessed the U-Pass fee, normal parameters exist for opting out for students attending on-campus courses. Students may apply to opt-out of the U-Pass service if they qualify in one of the following categories: living outside the city limits, living in on-campus housing (Ogle Hall, Voyageur Place Residence, Lutheran Theological Seminary, and St. Andrew’s, (College Quarter residences are not eligible), or they are unable to ride the bus due to a disability.
Spring Term Opt-Outs will be processed by Student Accounts starting the first week of May 2021. 

Face Masks

Face masks (non-medical mask or cloth face-coverings) are mandatory in all indoor public spaces for faculty, staff, and students who have approved access or are required to be on campus.

Feeling Sick

If you are feeling unwell and/or showing signs of illness, you should self-isolate. Even if your illness and symptoms are not consistent with that of the COVID-19 virus, please stay home, monitor your symptoms, and reduce your contact with others:

  • isolate yourself at home to avoid spreading it to others
    • if you live with others, stay in a separate room or keep a 2-metre distance
  • visit a health care professional or call your local public health authority
    • call ahead to tell them your symptoms and follow their instructions

For more information regarding U-Pass, please email contactus@ussu.ca

Important Dates:

April 19, 2021
Spring Term U-Pass can be activated or reactivated at the USSU Office in Upper Place Riel.

* If you previously received a U-Pass, you will be required to reactivate your U-Pass at the USSU Office. Spring Term U-Pass is active May 1 to June 30.

April 19, 2021
Opt-Out applications may be submitted online to the USSU.

April 30, 2021
Winter Term U-Pass is deactivated at the end of the day. Spring Term U-Pass will be required effective May 1, 2021.

May 1, 2021
Spring Term U-Pass is active. If you have received or reactivated your U-Pass for the 2021 Spring Term, you can access Saskatoon Transit with your U-Pass.

May 14, 2021
Last day to submit opt-out applications for qualified students enrolled in Spring Term, Quarter 1, Quarter 2 (6 credit), and Quarter 1 (3 credit) classes. Completed online applications are due no later than 4:30 p.m.

June 4, 2021
Last day to submit opt-out applications for qualified students enrolled in Spring Term, Quarter 2 (3 credit classes). Completed online applications are due no later than 4:30 p.m.

June 1, 2021
Last day to submit opt-in applications for qualified students enrolled in Spring Term. Completed online applications are due no later than 4:30 p.m.

June 30, 2021
Spring Term U-Pass is deactivated at the end of the day. Summer Term U-Pass will be required effective July 1, 2021.

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USSU – Empower Me

The USSU is proud to offer this service to our members! If you’re struggling to find support during this time of physical distancing, Empower Me provides access to counselling and other well-being services delivered by telephone or video-conferencing. It’s confidential, multilingual, and accessible 24/7 at 1-833-628-5589 from anywhere in North America.

Learn more at www.studentcare.ca

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USSU Election

The University of Saskatchewan Students’ Union (USSU) is conducting elections for the USSU Executive and University Senate. Voting begins at 9am on Wednesday, March 24, and ends at 4pm on Thursday, March 25.

All eligible voters will have access to the My Election channel in PAWS. Additionally, a notice of the election will appear in PAWS as a larger “sticky” announcement at the top of the PAWS Announcements feed and will not disappear until dismissed by individual users (with “Vote now” or “No thanks” buttons) or the close of the election.

For candidate information visit ussu.ca/elections

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USSU Executive Candidates Information

Learn more about your USSU executive candidates by watching the March 17th forum or viewing their campaign platforms. Thanks to all who attended and asked great questions of the students looking to represent you in 2021-2022.


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Immigrant and Refugee Health Club

Hello International Students!

The Immigrant and Refugee Health Club is offering an opportunity to connect with students in the College of Medicine to help international students who may be dealing with social isolation, who need help understanding the Canadian healthcare system, or who may want to practice their English language conversation skills.

Please contact immigrantrefugeehealth@gmail.com for more information and feel free to sign up here. 

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USSU Executive Candidates Forum

Meet your USSU candidates, March 17, at 7pm on Zoom. Students will be able to ask questions at the forum. If you are unable to attend, you can email your questions to communications@ussu.ca or comment on Facebook. Candidate information is also available at https://ussu.ca/…/elections/ussu-executive-candidates/

Register in advance for the forum.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

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Experience in Excellence Awards

An Experience in Excellence is actualized through recognizing those leadership qualities in an individual that better both the academic and non-academic environment for the undergraduate students of the University of Saskatchewan.  Nominations are open until March 15, 2021.

Vera Pezer Award for Student Enhancement (Volunteerism)

This award is presented to U of S student volunteers who have given their time and energy to ensure that non-academic facets of the student experience are enhanced.  Nominate a deserving student. 

Walter Murray Leadership Award

This award is presented to an undergraduate student who has provided leadership beyond the call of duty in enhancing the student experience at the University of Saskatchewan. Nominate a deserving student.

Academic Advising Award

This award honours outstanding delivery of Academic Advising at the University of Saskatchewan and serves to recognize the importance that Academic Advising has on enhancing the student experience. Nominate a deserving Academic Advisor.

Experience in Excellence Award winners will be annouced at the end of March.

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USSU and Utile Housing Survey

The USSU is currently collaborating with UTILE (Student Housing Implementation Working Group) on a study to better understand the issues affecting the Canadian student population, especially relating to housing.

To better meet the needs of university tenants, we must document the situation and put student housing on the radar of our governments. This project is the most ambitious survey to date on this subject in Canada.

The students studying at the University of Saskatchewan are being asked to answer this short survey, which will take less than 10 minutes. Whether you live in an apartment or with your parents, we want to know about your housing reality!

Personally-identifying information is never collected, all responses are anonymized, and data will only be used for research and non-profit purposes. The study will help advance knowledge about student housing in Saskatoon, in Saskatchewan, and across Canada.

To access the survey (available in French and English), click on this link: 




Thank you for your valuable collaboration on this project. 

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USSU Elections

Students’ voices are needed now more than ever. As the university begins its post-pandemic recovery, students need to be involved. That’s where you come in. If you’ve ever thought about creating a better campus environment for your fellow students, consider running for a position on the USSU executive!

Visit ussu.ca/elections for details.

USSU General Election Schedule 2021

February 22 Call for nominations for Executive and Senate positions. Email communications@ussu.ca for Nomination Forms for Senate Candidates.

March 1 MANDATORY Online Orientation Meeting for all undergraduate students who wish to run for Executive at 4 pm. Chaired by the USSU General Manager and Communications & Marketing Manager. Nomination Forms for Executive Candidates will be available after the Orientation Meeting. Email communications@ussu.ca for the Orientation Meeting Invite.

March 5 All Nomination forms must be emailed to communications@ussu.ca by 4:00 pm. Candidates will be emailed the ZOOM information for the Procedures Meeting.

MANDATORY Online Procedures Meeting for Executive and Senate Nominees at 4:30 pm. Chaired by the Chief Returning Officer.

March 8 Academic standing checks for nominees.

March 11 Confirmation of academic standing.

March 15 Campaigning begins at 12:01 am.

March 24 Voting begins at 9:00 am on PAWS

March 25 Voting ends at 4:00 pm. The deadline for formal complaints, complaints must be emailed to the ACRO at acro@ussu.ca by 4:00 pm.

Elections Committee meets at 4:00 pm. to discuss any disciplinary matters and ratify the results, which will be emailed from PAWS to the ACRO by 4:30 pm.

Election results, subject to further discipline, are announced online at ussu.ca/elections

All campaign material must be removed by 11:59 pm.

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USSU Help Centre Presents – Mental Health Week: Five Days, Five Speakers

Mental Health Week: Five Days, Five Speakers is back with some new topics! February 22-26

Mental health can often be a difficult and broad topic. Many factors can affect your mental health. Often you may not feel like there are any reasons. You are not crazy, or lazy, or spoiled for feeling mentally unwell. Your mental health isn’t insignificant just because someone has it worse than you. Although mental health is still highly stigmatized, we want you to know it is okay to get help and it is okay to talk about it. Join us for mental health week to learn about different aspects of mental health. Each day we will cover a different theme of mental health, and each day we will have a speaker surrounding that topic! Stay updated on all the information on our Help Centre page


or our Instagram @USSUHelpCentre.

Below is the theme of each day, as well as the speakers for the day. Just click the Eventbrite link and register for the presentation. It is all digital and free! Descriptions of each event are provided on the Eventbrite page.

“You Matter” – Mental Health During the Pandemic

February 22, 2021 3pm-4:30pm

“Life as we knew it has changed and shifted so much in the past year. As a result, our physical, mental and emotional health is affected.”

Presented by Devan Moxley Teigrob, Mental Health Nurse at the Student Wellness Centre.



“Diet Culture, Take Seat!”- Let’s Talk Dieting, Disordered Eating, Body Image and Dysmorphia

February 23, 2021 3pm-4:30pm

“Why is diet culture called “the life thief”? Let’s talk about diet culture and the mental effects of it with a Registered Dietician.”

Presented by Amy Pickering, a Registered Dietician in The University of Saskatchewan Student Wellness Centre.



Balancing the Mind, Body & Spirit-Indigenous Healing Through Times of Covid

February 24, 2021 3:30pm-4:30pm

“Join us to explore Indigenous healing deep-rooted in a personal perspective with land-based stories of connection and transformation.”

Presented by Seapieces Marsland, the Indigenous Counsellor at Student Wellness Centre



“It’s Going To Be Okay”- Let’s talk about Suicide and Suicide Intervention.

February 25, 2021 1pm-2pm

“Suicide can be an extremely difficult topic to talk about. But it needs to be talked about.”

Presented by Wanda Seidlikoski Yurach MSW, RSW, SEP, University of Saskatchewan, PhD candidate, Health Sciences



Student Mental Health and Maintaining Wellness- Ask A Psychiatrist!

February 26, 2021 10Am-11Am

“Want to know more information on anxiety, depression, navigating change, and coping with stress.? Ask A Psychiatrist!”

Presented by Alana Holt, the Consultant Psychiatrist at Student Wellness


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