Curious by nature: How asking questions led Holly Annand to pursue a PhD at USask

Curious by nature: How asking questions led Holly Annand to pursue a PhD at USask

Ashleigh Mattern
USask News
May 30, 2022

Dr. Holly Annand (PhD) says she’s always been a curious person. Growing up, she was encouraged to ask questions and try different things. And it was this same curiosity that led her to pursue a PhD in hydrology and water resources science at the University of Saskatchewan (USask).

Read the full article here:

Job Opportunity – Digital Content Coordinator

The global water crisis and rapid environmental change has created a high demand for hydrologists, scientists who deal with the occurrence, circulation, distribution, and properties of the waters of the earth and its atmosphere. The Department of Geography and Planning offers the only BSc in Hydrology in Canada, and it is professionally accredited. The Department also hosts the University’s Centre for Hydrology, a long-standing hydrological research unit that provides coordination on graduate training in hydrology. The Department’s new Graduate Certificate in Hydrology, designed for distance learning, appeals to academically focused graduate students and postdoctoral scholars globally. The Department of Geography and Planning needs a Digital Content Coordinator to help the Department promote these exciting new programs.

Click here to view the position details and apply!