June Floods Not Extraordinary, Expert Research Shows

The Calgary Herald has reported on CH work which indicates that flooding in the Bow Valley of the magnitude experienced during June 2013 is likely to occur approximately once in 32 years in the Banff area, and once in 45 years through Calgary: this is much shorter than the 100-year return period for this scale of event currently adopted by the Alberta Ministry of Environment and Sustanable Resource Development.

In the article, Prof. John Pomeroy also points out that changing climatic conditions (winters in the Banff area are now some 5°C warmer than they were in the late 1800s) are making it challenging to predict events of this type, and this hampers development of appropriate mitigation strategies. He suggests that improved observation, modelling and warning systems are required, together with changes in property development guidelines and infrastructure upgrades.

The article is available in full here.

Arts and Science, Fall 2013

The work of CH staff during and since this past summer’s flooding events in Canmore and across Alberta are described in an article by Bob andford in the Fall 2013 issue of the U of S’s Arts & Science Magazine, available here.

Canmore – Come Hell and High Water Talks

John Pomeroy and Bob Sandford will present public talks in Canmore, Alberta in the Come Hell and High Water: Understanding Canada’s Changing Hydrology outreach event, hosted by the Town of Canmore and chaired by the Mayor of Canmore.

Pomeroy will discuss changes to hydrology and climate that have been occurring in the Canadian Rockies over the last century and the lead up to and progression of the extreme meteorological and hydrological event that became the flood of 2013.

Sandford will discuss how changes in hydroclimatic conditions will affect our society socially, economically and environmentally now and in the future.

The talks will be in the Canmore Collegiate High School Theatre starting 7 pm, Monday November 25th.

R Lunch – Wednesday November 27th

This month’s R Lunch will be on Wednesday November 27th in AGRI 1E85, from 11:30 to 12:30.

There will be two presentations:

Dr Jill Johnstone (Department of Biology) will present on spatial multivariate analyses using R.

Dr Sun Chun (Global Institute for Water Security) will demonstrate a new package called RGLIMCLIM (A multisite, multivariate daily weather generator based on Generalized Linear Models) which he uses for downscaling precipitation time series.

Bring your lunch and learn something new!