Opportunities at the US NOAA / UCAR National Water Center

The US NOAA National Water Center, located on the University of Alabama’s campus at Tuscaloosa, is currently advertising a number of opportunities which may be of interest to CH students and other hydrologists.

The advertisement – which also provides an interesting insight into the breadth and depth of the enhancement of US federal research activities relating to hydrology – is available at http://www.vsp.ucar.edu/opportunities/NWC_Alabama.html.

CH Comments on Prairie Flooding

Dr Kevin Shook, SGI Research Fellow at CH, was asked by the Calgary Herald to comment on the heavy rainfall which has been hitting the prairies during the past week: the storm dropped more than the historical average precipitation for all of June over an extensive area (the town of Redvers, for example, received between 7 and 9 inches in two days), and led to widespread flooding. He sees storms like these as contributing to a pattern of increasing occurrences of multi-day rainfall events he’s detected across the region through analysis of climate data from the past century. The article is available online here, and in PDF format here.

On the same topic of prairie flooding, Prof. John Pomeroy has been interviewed several times by local radio stations:
660 News Radio (30 June)
CBC The Morning Edition – Saskatoon (2nd July)
CBC Saskatoon Morning (2nd July)