The great thaw: Canada must lead climate change battle in a time of disappearing ice and snow

John Pomeroy
The Hill Times
December 4, 2024

It is now time for Canadians to prepare for ‘cryospheric destruction’ and it is going to be a distressing experience. We must prepare for earlier, smaller, and less reliable snowmelt and, hence, less reliable river flows and lake levels that supply drinking water, irrigation water, hydropower, and cold-loving fish such as trout and salmon.

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Article: “The Great Divide: A snowflake’s journey through Alberta”

The Great Divide: A snowflake’s journey through Alberta

By: Andrew Findlay

Mountain Life – Rocky Mountains – Winter 2025
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Snow Dome, rising on the edge of the Columbia Icefield in Jasper National Park, is a topographical anomaly. This icy, 3,456-metre monolith is what’s known as a hydrological apex because it perches at the junction of two landscape-defining continental features: the Great Divide and the Arctic Divide. Depending on what side of Snow Dome a snowflake falls, when it melts into a droplet of water it will flow into either the Arctic, Atlantic or Pacific Ocean…

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The Great Divide