International Year of Glaciers’ Preservation Launch Events (Jan 21)

The United Nations has designated 2025 as the International Year of Glaciers’ Preservation (IYGP 2025) to highlight the importance of glaciers and ensure that those relying on them, and those affected by cryospheric processes, receive the necessary hydrological, meteorological, and climate services. To mark the official launch of the IYGP 2025, WMO and UNESCO have co-organized a High-Level Plenary Opening on January 21 at 6 am MST (UTC-7)/2 pm CET (UTC+1) that is accessible globally. For more information and to watch live, please visit

In addition, a series of online side events are planned to complement the opening plenary. In particular, we invite you to the IYGP 2025 Task Force 3 (Research and Monitoring) side event on Research and Monitoring in the Mountain Cryosphere. During this event, experts will discuss advancements, challenges, and priorities in the mountain cryosphere, emphasizing how the IYGP and the Decade of Action for Cryospheric Sciences can strengthen global capacity to address these critical activities in a changing climate.

Event title: Research and Monitoring in the Mountain Cryosphere
Date: Tuesday, January 21, 2025
Time: 09:00 MST (UTC-7) | 17:00 CET (UTC+1)
Location: Online (Zoom)
More information and to register:

March 21 – World Day for Glaciers

The State and Fate of Canada's Snow and Ice

World Day for Glaciers

March 21, 2024
11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Join us for the free online event Introducing the UN International Year of Glaciers’ Preservation: The State and Fate of Canada’s Snow and Ice.

View Event & Register


Losing Blue

Losing Blue Screening with Guardians of the Ice

March 21, 2024
7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.

In honour of the soon-to-be World Day for Glaciers, join us FREE evening featuring:

  • A screening of Losing Blue, a 16 min cinematic poem about the changing colour of glacial lakes

  • The official launch of the new beer, Mount Andromeda, sixth in the Guardians of the Ice series produced by Banded Peak Brewing, presented by alpinists Jim Elzinga and Barry Blanchard;

  • A sneak peek of MELTDOWN, a photographic exhibition by Jim Elzinga and Roger Vernon (coming to the Whyte Museum of the Canadian Rockies in 2025);

  • A Q & A opportunity with our speakers including filmmaker Leanne Allison;

  • Raffle prizes courtesy of Patagonia Banff, Guardians of the Ice and Banded Peak Brewing;

  • Post-presentation socialization and cheer!

View Event & Register

Event: Cold Regions Warming Panel Discussion

Cold Regions Warming

Panel Discussion

Saturday, November 19th, 2022 | 2 – 3:30 p.m.
Whyte Museum of the Canadian Rockies

Please join the Whyte Museum of the Canadian Rockies and Global Water Futures in welcoming the artists and scientists associated with our newest exhibition, Cold Regions Warming, for an exclusive panel discussion presenting a powerful conversation on Canada’s climate future.

Joining this event are the following panelists:

  • John Pomeroy, Distinguished Professor, Canada Research Chair in Water Resources and Climate Change, Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, Director of the Global Water Futures programme, Centre for Hydrology and Canmore Coldwater Laboratory.

  • Trevor Davies, Professor Emiritus; formerly Director of the Climatic Research Unit, Dean of School of Environmental Sciences, Director for International Development Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research, Pro Vice Chancellor for Research, Enterprise and Engagement, all at the University of East Anglia; formerly Distinguished Professor and Director of Fudan Tyndall Centre, Fudan University, Shanghai.

  • Robert Sandford, Holds the Global Water Futures Chair in Water and Climate Security at United Nations University Institute for Water, Environment and Health.

  • Gennadiy V. Ivanov, is a renowned UK-based artist with more than 40 years of experience. He graduated with a Masters of Fine Art from Norwich University. Since 2019, he has been involved in several large projects and exhibitions across the UK and is currently an Artist-in-residence at the University of Saskatchewan. Gennadiy was the winner of the Norfolk Arts Awards, The Visual Arts Award in 2021. His works addressed the acts of looking and seeing, and considers the way in which painting can stake a claim for itself amid the proliferation of contemporary visual formats.

Audience members will be immersed and engaged through a rich interdisciplinary discussion of art, science, and the state of Climate Change in Canada.

Light refreshments will be available.

Photo Artist: Gennadiy V. Ivanov

Registration is required for this live event!


Top Image: Gennadiy V. Ivanov. The Fortress Mount Now, 2019, oil on canvas, 130 x 170 cm. Collection of the artist.

About the painting: Fortress Mountain Research Basin is an iconic location in the Rockies in Alberta. Its dramatic countenance has appeared in many Hollywood films. It is an important site for one of the GWF observation stations which automatically records atmospheric, snow and soil conditions. These observations are part of the Global Water Futures Observatories network, which monitors changes over time and provided invaluable information to help develop predictive models; a necessity for successful prediction of water supplies from the high mountain headwater basins that supply most of western Canada with rivers and life-giving freshwater. 

Event: Cold Regions Warming – Fall Exhibition Opening

You’re Invited!

Fall Exhibition Opening

Friday, October 28, 2022 | 7 to 9 p.m.
Whyte Museum of the Canadian Rockies

Please join the Whyte Museum of the Canadian Rockies in celebrating brand new Fall exhibitions – Cold Regions Warming and Contemporary Consciousness.

The exhibition opening will be held at the Whyte on Friday, October 28th from 7 to 9 p.m. and is free to the public.

Both exhibitions explore issues impacting our local and global environments while inspiring the viewer with a sense of advocacy and actionable change to take home.



Cold Regions Warming is an interdisciplinary collaboration between artist Gennadiy Ivanov, Global Water Futures, and scientists John Pomeroy and Trevor Davies. Paintings, drawings, and videos depict locations in Canada where global warming has impacted glaciers, oceans, lakes, and rivers. Global Water Futures is headquartered at the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon and aims to demonstrate global leadership in water science in colder regions.

From a scientific base, the group also addresses the needs of the national economy in adapting to change and managing the risks of uncertain water futures and extreme events. With the combination of scientific fact and exquisite art, the exhibition is designed to inform on various levels of appreciation.


Contemporary Consciousness features the work of two artists who explore our oceans in contrasting ways. Canadian artist Joshua Jensen-Nagle’s beautiful photographic images impart scenes of beauty, calm, and restfulness. His images both remind us of our personal experience enjoying the ocean while considering the impact of a day of overpopulation and waste in our oceans and on its shores.

Strewn to shore from the Pacific Ocean, bits of Styrofoam, plastic, rubber, and metal were washed onto the beaches at Tofino, B. C. Participating as a volunteer for the community cleanup project, Canadian artist Alexandra Ewen was struck by the magnitude of damage and consequential debris.

It was clear the shore wash was microscopic in comparison to the quantity remaining afloat or beneath the ocean surface. With resourcefulness and compassion, Alexandra connected the oceanic resources with the culinary creativity of Japanese culture by reconstructing the garbage into exquisitely formed sushi meals, edible in scale and served to order.

This free exhibition opening runs from 7 to 9 p.m. on Friday, October 28th. Registration is not required. Light refreshments, appetizers, and a cash bar will be available for the duration of the event.

For more information on these upcoming exhibitions, visit

Thesis Defense: Caroline Aubry-Wake: From Process to Predictions in Hydrological Modelling of Glacierized Basins



Caroline Aubry-Wake


will defend her Ph.D. thesis, entitled



DATE:       WEDNESDAY, October 12, 2022
TIME:        8:30am (CST)
PLACE:     Online via Zoom


Passcode: 94274126
Telephone Passcode: 94274126
Meeting ID: 983 2815 0621


Event: Prof. John Pomeroy Presenting to United Nations

Professor John Pomeroy, Canada Research Chair in Water Resources and Climate Change at the University of Saskatchewan, and Director of the Global Water Futures Programme, will be in New York on Friday, Sept. 23, presenting to the United Nations (UN) in a high-level side event on the melting cryosphere and the ongoing threats to groundwater, streamflow and the sustainability of water resources management.

Dr. Pomeroy is a global expert on climate change in cold regions and an elected representative to the UN’s Water and Climate Coalition Steering Committee, which includes world leaders from Argentina, Canada, Netherlands, Pakistan, Switzerland, and others.

“It’s a great honour to represent academia and researchers from Saskatchewan, Canada and other cold regions around the globe on this critical issue,” said Pomeroy. “The science is clear, now we need to make real policy changes, and having the opportunity to work with the UN is a great step forward.”

This event will emphasize the importance of scientific cooperation and connecting scientific research, policy development, and action, and will develop a set of recommendations to enhance interface and interconnections among different components of the cryosphere, river basin hydrology, groundwater, and water vulnerability.

The event will be available for viewing through Zoom: 12pm – 1pm CST

Please click this URL to join.
Passcode: 648859

AGU Event – Walter B. Langbein Lecture

The Walter Langbein Lecture is presented annually. It recognizes lifetime contributions of a senior scientist to the science of hydrology or unselfish cooperation in hydrologic research. The award is named to honor the life and work of hydrologist Walter B. Langbein.

Join us in honouring this year’s recipient, GWF Executive Director John Pomeroy. His lecture, Cold Regions Process Hydrology: Principles, Processes, Management and Prospects, reviews advances in cold regions hydrology and shows how this influences water supply in many parts of the world. The impact of climate warming on the loss of cold and on hydrology is emphasized.

14:30 CST – Introduction, Business Discussion, and Award
15:00 CST – Lecture: Cold Regions Process Hydrology: Principles, Processes, Management and Prospects – John W. Pomeroy
15:45 CST – Q&A

AGU attendees may watch this lecture online at, or in Convention Center – New Orleans Theater A H24A for those attending in-person.

Event: Climate Change and Freshwater Sustainability: A Saskatchewan Perspective after COP26

Climate Change and Freshwater Sustainability: A Saskatchewan Perspective after COP26

Dr. John Pomeroy (PhD)
Canada Research Chair in Water Resources and Climate Change
Distinguished Professor, Dept. of Geography & Planning
– CFREF Global Water Futures Programme
– USask Centre for Hydrology
– USask Coldwater Laboratory, Canmore, Alberta

Date: Tuesday, November 30, 2021
Time: 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM (CST)
Location: Online via Zoom

Speaker’s biography
Dr. John Pomeroy (PhD) is director of the Global Water Futures Programme, the largest university-led freshwater research project in the world. At the University of Saskatchewan (USask), he is the Canada Research Chair in Water Resources and Climate Change, Distinguished Professor of Geography, and director of the USask Centre for Hydrology. His primary research interests are in cold regions hydrology and water quality with an emphasis on snow redistribution and ablation processes, hydrometeorology and the development of novel observational and modelling techniques. Dr. Pomeroy has authored more than 350 research articles and several books that have been cited more than 20,000 times. He is a graduate of the University of Saskatchewan.

Register online for this free public lecture. A Q&A discussion will follow the talk.

Thesis Defense – Jacob (Cob) Staines



will defend his M.Sc. thesis, entitled

DATE:   TUESDAY, September 28, 2021
TIME:    1:00 P.M.
PLACE: Online via Zoom

 To Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 930 5381 8813
Passcode: 59333604


Announcing the WCRP Climate Research Forum for the North and Central America, the Caribbean and Greenland Region

11 May 2021, 15:00 – 17:30 Eastern Daylight Time (19:00 – 21:30 UTC) – Online

The World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) local organizing committee for the North and Central America, Caribbean and Greenland region, warmly invite you to the upcoming WCRP Climate Research Forum on “Climate research priorities for the next decade.”

This Forum will begin with an overview of WCRP from the Chair and Vice Chair of the WCRP Joint Scientific Committee (the scientific steering body of WCRP), Detlef Stammer and Helen Cleugh, followed by three invited talks on:

  1. Perspectives on the role, benefits and science imperatives of the WCRP
  • Climate information needs from a user/policy maker perspective. Roberto Sánchez-Rodríguez, El Colegio de la Frontera Norte, Mexico.
  • Earth system observations for assessing climate-related risks. Susann Tegtmeier, University of Saskatchewan, Canada.
  • Advances and challenges in global and regional climate modeling. Andreas Prein, National Center for Atmospheric Research, United States.

This will be followed by a moderated discussion session that will include short presentations on:

  1. Collaboration activities in the region
  • The Precipitation Prediction Grand Challenge, Louis W. Uccellini, NOAA, National Weather Service, United States.
  • Understanding and Predicting Water Futures in an Era of Global Change. John Pomeroy, University of Saskatchewan, Canada.
  • IAI’s strategic priorities in global change research, with a focus on climate and water. Anna Stewart, Executive Director, Inter American Institute for Global Change Research (IAI).
  • The changing cryosphere in a warming climate, Dorthe Dahl-Jensen, Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, and the Centre for Earth Observation Science, University of Manitoba, Canada.

This is the third in a series of online Climate Research Forums, aimed at exchanging ideas, discussing new activities and opportunities being developed by WCRP, and exploring ways that our climate science community of scientists, partner programs, funders, and end-users can engage towards building “a world that uses sound, relevant, and timely climate science to ensure a more resilient present and sustainable future for humankind.” The Forum is without charge and is open to all, but we do ask that you register your interest.

Further information and details of how to register can be found at: