Article – Glaciers Losing Their Cool

Glaciers Losing Their Cool

Caroline Aubry-Wake
51° North Magazine
December 16, 2021

Rope, ice axe, crampons, helmet — check. Computer, batteries, tools, electrical tape, notebooks — check. I am packing for a day at the office: my outdoor office, Peyto Glacier. For my Ph.D. research at the University of Saskatchewan in Canmore, I study how mountain glaciers provide water to downstream valleys…

Read the full article here:

Article – After a year of disasters, it’s urgent that we address Canada’s climate-caused water crisis

After a year of disasters, it’s urgent that we address Canada’s climate-caused water crisis

John Pomeroy
Contributed to The Globe and Mail
November 19, 2021

Canada has had two brutal wake-up calls from Mother Nature this year.

Read the full article here:

Centre for Hydrology Presentations at the UN Framework Convention for Climate Change COP26 Meeting in Glasgow, Scotland

Members of the Centre for Hydrology presented at four events at the COP26 Meeting.

On November 1st, John Pomeroy gave a keynote presentation on ‘The Demise of Global Snow and Ice due to Climate Change and the Implications for Water Sustainability’, a presentation on ‘ Rapid Glacier Decline in the Canadian Rockies’ and chaired and spoke at the ‘Global Water Futures Cold Regions Warming Event’ which were part of the High Level Segment of the World Leaders Summit COP26 Cryosphere Session. Recordings of the talks are on YouTube on the session website here and here.

Art from the GWF Transitions Project was displayed on Nov 1st by John Pomeroy, Trevor Davies and Gennadiy Ivanov.

On November 5th Corinne Schuster-Wallace and John Pomeroy served on a panel discussion on the ‘Canada Water Agency in a Global Context, the Frontier of Water Governance’ that was organised by FLOW and Global Water Futures.   this can be found at hour 8:52 here on YouTube.

The events on Nov 1st are portrayed in this video by GWF Artist-in-Residence Gennadiy Ivanov and the GWF Transitions Cold Regions Warming Event at COP was featured by BBC.

News Article – Rocky Mountain dry: Canada’s waning water supply sows division in farm belt

Rocky Mountain dry: Canada’s waning water supply sows division in farm belt

Rod Nickel and Jeff Lewis
September 2, 2021

“CROWSNEST PASS, Alberta, Sept 2 (Reuters) – Where fly fisherman Shane Olson once paddled summer tourists around in a boat, he now guides them by foot – carefully navigating shallow waters one step at a time…”

See the story here:

News Article – Scientists warn glacier in Canadian Rockies is slipping away before their eyes at unprecedented rate

Scientists warn glacier in Canadian Rockies is slipping away before their eyes at unprecedented rate

Jayme Doll
Global News
August 31, 2021

“A summer of unprecedented heat has not been kind to the iconic ice in the Canadian Rockies. According to researchers, glaciers are melting at a rate never seen before.”

See the story here: