The Melting of Western Canadian Glaciers (La fonte des glaciers de l’Ouest canadien)

La fonte des glaciers de l’Ouest canadien

Les Années Lumières
20 mai 2022

Cette semaine encore, on avait de mauvaises nouvelles au sujet de l’intensification de la crise climatique. L’organisation météorologique mondiale rapporte que des records ont été battus en 2021 pour quatre marqueurs clés, soit les concentrations de gaz à effet de serre, l’élévation du niveau de la mer, la température et l’acidification des océans. Alexandre Touchette s’est intéressé dans ce contexte à la fonte des glaciers des Rocheuses canadiennes.

U of S researcher says smoke from wildfires causes an increase in glacier melt

U of S researcher says smoke from wildfires causes an increase in glacier melt

CBC Listen
May 2, 2022

Caroline Aubry-Wake has been studying how wildfire smoke affects the pace of glacier melt. She speaks with host Leisha Grebinski about how her findings may help scientists understand the impact of wildfires on places like Mount Everest.

Listen to the story here:

USask experts collaborate on international project to transform water predictions

USask experts collaborate on international project to transform water predictions

USask News
April 6, 2022

A team of hydrologists from the University of Saskatchewan (USask) and University of Calgary (UCalgary) comprises the Canadian contingent in an unprecedented international collaboration that aims to revolutionize flood predictions across North America.

Read the full article here:

Article – B.C. Flooding: Scenes of Suffering and Solidarity, As Climate Experts Warned of Bigger Picture

B.C. Flooding: Scenes of Suffering and Solidarity, As Climate Experts Warned of Bigger Picture

Gaye Taylor
The Energy Mix
December 20, 2021

November 25, 2021: Heartbreak and heroism were everywhere in the unfolding story of the British Columbia floods, while those watching from near and far warned any policy-makers and public still unconvinced of the need for rapid, concerted climate action to think again, and quickly.

Read the full article here:

Article – Anxious about climate change? Here’s what you need to know about ‘ecological grief’

Anxious about climate change? Here’s what you need to know about ‘ecological grief’

Kamyar Razavi
Global News
November 19, 2021

The effects of severe weather and climate change are becoming impossible to ignore, and that’s leading to feelings of ‘ecological grief’

Read the full article here:

Article – Making the promised Canada Water Agency a reality

Making the promised Canada Water Agency a reality

 Corinne Schuster-Wallace, Robert (Bob) Sandford
IRPP Policy Options
September 13, 2021

Water has been an issue even in a pandemic, with drought, floods and lack of access. A commitment to freshwater management that values water is key.

See the article here:

News Video – “Horrific:” Scientists warn glaciers in Canadian Rockies are melting at unprecedented rate

“Horrific:” Scientists warn glaciers in Canadian Rockies are melting at unprecedented rate

The Global Herald
August 31, 2021

A summer of unprecedented heat has not been kind to the iconic ice in the Canadian Rockies. According to researchers, glaciers are melting at a rate never seen before.

See the article here: