The Melting of Western Canadian Glaciers (La fonte des glaciers de l’Ouest canadien)

La fonte des glaciers de l’Ouest canadien

Les Années Lumières
20 mai 2022

Cette semaine encore, on avait de mauvaises nouvelles au sujet de l’intensification de la crise climatique. L’organisation météorologique mondiale rapporte que des records ont été battus en 2021 pour quatre marqueurs clés, soit les concentrations de gaz à effet de serre, l’élévation du niveau de la mer, la température et l’acidification des océans. Alexandre Touchette s’est intéressé dans ce contexte à la fonte des glaciers des Rocheuses canadiennes.

U of S researcher says smoke from wildfires causes an increase in glacier melt

U of S researcher says smoke from wildfires causes an increase in glacier melt

CBC Listen
May 2, 2022

Caroline Aubry-Wake has been studying how wildfire smoke affects the pace of glacier melt. She speaks with host Leisha Grebinski about how her findings may help scientists understand the impact of wildfires on places like Mount Everest.

Listen to the story here:

Wildfires are contributing to the melting of glaciers

Wildfires are contributing to the melting of glaciers

Vanese M. Ferguson
CJWW Radio
April 26, 2022

University of Saskatchewan hydrology researchers have discovered that exposure to wildfire smoke can cause glaciers to melt faster which affects mountain runoff. The mountain runoff in turn provides major freshwater resources downstream.

Read the full article here:

Wildfire smoke accelerates glacier melt, affects mountain runoff: USask research

Wildfire smoke accelerates glacier melt, affects mountain runoff: USask research

USask News
April 26, 2022

As global temperatures rise, wildfires are becoming more common. A new study by University of Saskatchewan (USask) hydrology researchers found that exposure to wildfire smoke can cause glaciers to melt faster, affecting mountain runoff that provides major freshwater resources for life downstream.

Read the full article here:,-affects-mountain-runoff-usask-research.php

Women in Leadership: Dr. Corinne Schuster-Wallace works toward a more sustainable future

Women in Leadership: Dr. Corinne Schuster-Wallace works toward a more sustainable future

USask News
April 22, 2022

On Earth Day, the USask water expert discusses the Sustainable Development Goals and how individuals can improve water and energy efficiency

Read the full article here: