Course Evaluations with ZEF

Well it’s that time of the year again when we look to the students to tell us what they thought. As most instructional designers know, the evaluation component of any course development is usually the first thing to be dropped when time issues arise. But this year we have committed to evaluating our new developments using a standardized survey that we hope will allow us to implement far more term by term evaluations of the course and curriculum design. ZEF Evaluation software is a fantastic survey tool. If you haven’t seen it before I suggest a quick goolge search. It allows answers to be plotted on a two-dimensional graph so that the data collected is presented in a visually understandable way. No more data interpretation for weeks and weeks. The ZEF system shows you where the gaps are and where your energy should go to make improvements. Ok Now I sound like an infomercial so just go check it out for yourself.