DOC Instructors’ Network Wine and Cheese 2014

IMG_012Thanks so much to everyone who came out to the DOC Instructor’s Network Wine & Cheese. We had a great evening chatting with all of you passionate instructors and we can’t wait to do it again.  We hope that you will make use of the DOC Instructors’ Network Forum  throughout the year and continue the conversations around amazing distance teaching until we can meet in person again in the new year.


I’ve also posted the recording of the entire evening and put in some chapter markers to access the Pecha Kucha presentations easily without having to endure the video in it’s entirety. We hope to see you all online soon to continue the conversations and to increase the opportunities for networking with colleagues. Thanks again!







DOC Instructor’s Network: Social Wine & Cheese 2014

Pecha Kucha talks start at 50:03 or click here to jump right in.

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