
What are ePortfolios?

ePortfolios are digital portfolios that showcase collections of artifacts.  They can be created individually by learners or as a group collaborative project. You may also have seen ePortfolios created at the institution level. Perhaps you want to start your own ePortfolio to archive and reflect on a topic such as your professional development.

Reflecting on the artifacts shared is essential. It’s not just about posting all assignments created for a class.  Meaningful pieces are chosen, shared and reflected upon.  Watch the following video for a brief introduction

What online tools can be used?

There are a wide variety of online tools that can be used to create ePortfolios. You may want to require that all students use the same online tool or give them the option to choose the one that best fits their needs.

Here are just a few of the many other tools that might be useful for creating ePortfolios

Potential Tool Resources
Google Sites Build a Google Site Step-by-Step Instructions
Weebly Beginning Tutorials
Wikispaces Tutorial-How to create a ePortfolio via Wiki
Wix Creating an e-Portfolio using Wix
WordPress Creating an ePortfolio using WordPress.com

How are ePortfolios assessed?

You may have your own assessment techniques already planned for ePortfolios. Consider assessing ePortfolios  with a rubric.  Here is an example of an ePortfolio rubric that may inspire you

EPortfolio (Digital Portfolio) Rubric-University of Wisconsin-Stout

You may also be interesting in trying peer assessment with students.

Where can I find out more about ePortfolios?

If you are looking for a place to start reading more about this topic here are a few links

What are Competency ePortfolios-University of Saskatchewan
ePortfolios-Cornell University
Assessing with ePortfolios-The University of New South Wales
An Overview of E-Portfolios-EDUCAUSE

Please keep in mind that this is only a starting point.  You may need to do some research on your own to find out more about ePortfolios.  Another idea is to search online to see real examples of the wide variety of ePortfolios learners are creating.