A Fortnight of Sharing

SharingAcademicPractices_Branding_SAP button2015 marks in inaugural year for the Sharing Academic Practices Fortnight being offered by ICT, University Library, and the Gwenna Moss Centre for Teaching Effectiveness. The event has been planned in partnership with Faculty members from across campus. This year, the event is comprised of two weeks of workshops, talks, celebrations, as well as dedicated time for Instructors to progress teaching and learning projects all centred around enhancing teaching practice.


PLSC 234 Student Work Showcase

We’re working with Brenda Frick from Ag and Bio right now on a really great showcase of her students work from PLSC 234. Students are asked to create Weed and Crop profiles as part of their Crop Rotation Plan. These profiles will now be shared openly and contribute to the Organic Agriculture discipline at large. The resources are available at words.usask.ca/plsc234 and will continue to be updated with exemplary work from the PLSC 234 student body.

CERTESL Student Survey

As part of the CERTESL Program Renewal Project we will be sending out a survey to graduates of the program as well as current students asking for their input on the current state of CERTESL. Questions range from administrative support to academic advising to curriculum and curriculum design. We hope to capture many of the outstanding qualities of the program and some areas for innovative solutions in this survey. We’ll try and post some highlights from the results once the survey has closed.

CERTESL Program Goals and Outcomes document

In an attempt to create measurable goals and outcomes that can be aligned with the University Learning Charter the CERTESL Renewal Committee in cooperation with the Instructors of the CERTESL Program have completed a new CERTESL Program Goals and Outcomes document. This document will serve as an internal guide for curriculum development and allows us to maintain alignment with the goals and instructional strategies of the University of Saskatchewan while providing our students a clear direction for their activities within the CERTESL Program. Thank you to our amazing instructors for helping to make this happen.

For now, this document will serve the Renewal Committee in continuing the process of Curriculum alignment and inventory using the Gwenna Moss Centre for Teaching Effectiveness’ (GMCTE) Curriculum Alignment Tool (CAT). This tool will help to capture what is currently happening in the CERTESL Courses and provide valuable information across the program and identify gaps in our curriculum where we are not serving the clearly defined goals and outcomes of the program.

If you wish to obtain a copy of this document please contact me through the comments section below and I would be happy to forward you a copy.

CERTESL Program Renewal Project

We are currently looking to renew and innovate the CERTESL program here at CCDE. This is a highly successful and sought after certificate program which provides the necessary training to ensure Canadians will be able to earn credentials that will enable them to teach English language across Canada and overseas. We hope to complete a review and renewal cycle for this program through a series of stages including a review and inventorying stage and a renewal and redesign stage. Follow the category CERTESL Program Renewal (http://words.usask.ca/distributedlearning/category/certesl-program-renewal/) for updates on this process. We welcome your comments and input on any of these posts.

Job Perks

So there are some perks to being an instructional designer. Today I spent the morning over in Agriculture Meat Sciences with eMAP as they finished up production on a video we are creating for the AG 112 course development. This video will fill a gap for online students who do not have the opportunity to participate in the live “Hot Dog Lab”. This lab is a highlight of the face-to-face class and is an important part of the course. I, of course, showed up to “supervise” just in time for the sampling portion of the video. Yum! The footage will go into post-production this week and will hopefully be ready for the course later this month.
