
What is a Prezi?

For an explanation of what a Prezi is, watch the following YouTube video introduction:

Assignment Sample

Here’s a sample of what your Prezi presentation might look like.
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Best Practices

Here are a few websites with information on Prezi best practices.  Students may want take some time to search online for best practices for producing a Prezi too.

Learning Resources

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All University of Saskatchewan students and staff have access to the Lynda website which offers a wealth of tutorial videos on a variety of technology topics.  You can access the site at and use your nsid and password.  Search the site for tutorials on producing a Prezi.

The Learn & Support page on the website has videos to help you produce your own Prezi.

YouTube also has numerous video tutorials available about producing a Prezi.

Here are a few online resources that may offer ideas for producing a Prezi.