Sexual Assault Awareness

Take Back the Night 

September 12, 7:00PM-9:00PM

Saskatoon Women’s Community Coalition once again presents Take Back the Night: An Annual March to End Violence in the Community on September 12th at the YWCA 510 25th Street East.

The evening will begin at 7:00 PM with a gathering at the YWCA. The community march will begin at 7:30 PM and there will be refreshments following the march and entertainment by Desiree Nieckar in the gym of the YWCA.

There will be a bus available for individuals that may not be able to walk the entire route.

Everyone is welcome! Dress for the weather and be prepared to make some noise.

Facebook Event 


Take Back the Night Sign Making Party

September 12,  12:00PM-3:00PM

Feeling creative? Are you interested on attending Take Back the Night, an annual march to end violence in the community on September 12th? Stop by the USSU Women’s Centre on September 12th anytime between 12:00PM-3:00PM to create a sign for the march. We’ll have lots of sign making supplies and inspiration, along with free snacks!

Facebook Event  


Saskatoon Sexual Assault and Information Centre Student Workshop

September 13,  1:00PM-2:00PM

Participate in Sexual Assault Awareness week by attending a FREE student workshop focused around sexual violence and supporting survivors.

Would you like to learn more about the definition of sexual violence, receiving disclosures, consent and the law, the impacts of sexual violence on victims and survivors, and supports in Saskatoon? Join SSAIC (Saskatoon Sexual Assault and Information Centre) for a FREE workshop on September 13th from 1PM-2PM in the Roy Romanow Student Council Chamber in Upper Place Riel. Snacks will be provided!

Facebook Event 



Ted Talk Time at STM

September 16, 4:00PM-5:00PM

Come on down to the STM Student lounge September 16th from 4:00PM-5:00PM for a TED Talk viewing and discussion, in association with Sexual Assault Awareness week 2019. 

Facebook Event


Pizza and Movie Night 

September 17,  5:00PM-6:30PM

The Graduation Students’ Association presents a free screening of the film “Audrie & Daisy” as part of the Sexual Assault Awareness Week 2019. Join us for the movie while you meet new friends and establish contacts with the campus community. The screening will take place at the GSA Commons on September 17th at 5PM. 


Open to all graduate and undergraduate students!

Facebook Event 


Bringing in the Bystander Training

September 18th 12:00PM-1:30PM

Bringing in the bystander is a 90-minute workshop that uses real-world examples, skill and empathy-building activities, and role-playing scenarios that equip participants with the skills and knowledge to make a difference at the community level by addressing elements of rape culture.

Participants learn about a spectrum of harmful behaviours that constitute sexual violence and methods of interrupting sexual violence safely when it is occurring or likely to occur.


To register for training and more information, check out this link:

Facebook Event  


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