Author Archives: jbv373

USSU Help Centre – Mental Health Week

Let’s Talk Mental Health and Illness. Mental Health Week is back!
Mental health can often be a difficult and broad topic. Many factors can affect your mental health. Often you may not feel like there are any reasons. You are not crazy, or lazy, or spoiled for feeling mentally unwell. Your mental health isn’t insignificant just because someone has it worse than you. Although mental health is still highly stigmatized, we want you to know it is okay to get help and it is okay to talk about it. Join us for Mental Health Week to learn about different aspects of mental health. Each day we will cover a different theme of mental health and each day we will have a speaker surrounding that topic! We will also be posting information around each theme throughout the day so stay updated on all the information on our Help Centre page or our Instagram @USSUHelpCentre.
Below is the theme of each day as well as the speakers for the day. Just click the Eventbrite link and register for the presentation. It is all digital and free! Descriptions of each event are provided in the Eventbrite page.
Day 1: Men and Mental Health- November 23
No Need to “Be a Man” Reducing Stigma Around Men and Mental Health
Presented by presented by Devan Moxley Teigrob, Mental Health Nurse at the Student Wellness Centre.
3:00 PM -4:30 PM
Day 2: Reducing Stigma Surround Mental Health and Wellness- November 24
Food Matters- Nutrition and Mental Health
Presented by Amy Pickering, Registered Dietician at the Student Wellness Centre
3:30 PM – 4:30 PM
Day 3: International Students and Mental Health- November 25
Culture Shock and Adaption
Presented by Jordan Hartshorn, International Education Officer at International Student Study and Abroad Centre
11:00 AM- 12:30 PM
Day 4: Mental Health and Addictions – November 26
No Harm in Harm Reduction
Presented by Elizabeth Plishka (She/Her), B.A & Sc. Hon Health Studies
4:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Day 5: The Biology of Mental Health- November 27
Mental Health/Illness and the Brain- Ask a Psychiatrist
Presented by Dr. Alana Holt, Psychiatrist at Student Wellness Centre
10:30 AM – 11:30 AM
Please contact for any questions

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USSU Annual General Meeting

The AGM will be held Thursday, November 19, 2020, at 6 pm on ZOOM. To register for the Annual General Meeting visit

For more information and the amendments please visit




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Debt Free Degree

The USSU is working alongside the UCRU Undergraduates of Canadian Research Intensive Universities and eight student unions across the nation to bring you the #DebtFreeDegree campaign. This is a movement aimed at increasing the accessibility and affordability of post-secondary education in Canada.

We are advocating to the Government of Canada to accomplish two main goals:
· Doubling government investments in Canada Student Grants
· Establishing a two-year grace period on all federal loans

We encourage you to join the movement by writing a postcard to your MP at,  or we will send it for you, sharing our posts with your network, and providing us with feedback at

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Mayoral Candidates Forum

The USSU is hosting a Mayoral Candidates Forum on October 20th at 5pm on ZOOM. Martin Gaal from the Department of Political Studies at the University of Saskatchewan will moderate the forum. Join us to ask questions that concern students.

Don Atchison
Charlie Clark (incumbent)
Rob Norris
Zubair Sheikh
Cary Tarasoff
Mark Zielke

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U-Pass Opt-Ins, Opt-Outs and Activations

Fall Term U-Pass

U-Pass for the Fall Term will be assessed to students attending on-campus classes. Undergraduate Students taking only online (remote) delivery of Fall Term courses will not be assessed the U-Pass fee

Due to the on-going COVID-19 pandemic, Place Riel will remain closed to the general public. This means U-Pass must be distributed differently for Fall 2020.

Any student enrolled in anything at all on campus will be assessed the U-Pass fee. Unless otherwise notified, new student cards, already activated, will be distributed through your college. Please do not use the appointment calendar for students opting in unless otherwise directed. If you do not receive your card through your college, please email

Students taking remote delivery classes will not be automatically assessed. Any student who wishes to Opt-In to the U-Pass Click Here and follow these steps:

  1. Fill out the Opt-In Form
  2. Check your PAWS account to see if the assessment has been placed on your account. This could take up to four business days.
  3. In the interim, schedule an appointment and come individually to Place Riel for your card activation.
  4. Please ensure that you have your student card, and have been assessed the U-Pass fee on your PAWS account before scheduling an appointment to activate your U-Pass. You will receive a confirmation email for your appointment.
  5. When you arrive at the front doors of Place Riel for your scheduled appointment, call 306-966-6962, have your student card ready, and a USSU employee will greet you, confirm your appointment, and escort you to the USSU office to activate your U-Pass.
  6. The last day to Opt-In for Fall Term U-Pass is December 1, 2020.

U-Pass Opt-Out

If you have been assessed the U-Pass fee, normal parameters exist for opting out for students attending on-campus courses. Students may apply to opt-out of the U-Pass service if they qualify in one of the following categories: living outside the city limits, living in on-campus housing (Ogle Hall, Voyageur Place Residence, Lutheran Theological Seminary, and St. Andrew’s, (College Quarter residences are not eligible), or they unable to ride the bus due to a disability.

To apply for the U-Pass Opt-Out Click Here

The last day to apply for the Fall Term Opt-Out is September 17, 2020. Completed online applications are due no later than 4:30pm.

Face Masks

Face masks (non-medical mask or cloth face-coverings) are mandatory in all indoor public spaces for faculty, staff, and students who have approved access or are required to be on campus.

Feeling Sick

If you are feeling unwell and/or showing signs of illness, you should self-isolate. Even if your illness and symptoms are not consistent with that of the COVID-19 virus, please stay home, monitor your symptoms, and reduce your contact with others:

  • isolate yourself at home to avoid spreading it to others
    • if you live with others, stay in a separate room or keep a 2-metre distance
  • visit a health care professional or call your local public health authority
    • call ahead to tell them your symptoms and follow their instructions

For more information regarding U-Pass, please email


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Calling All Student Leaders!

U of S students create an energetic community where diverse personalities and interests thrive—inside and outside the classroom. Becoming a Student At Large (SAL) on a USSU committee is a great way to get involved with your students’ union and contribute to making our campus a better place. With the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, all USSU committees will be meeting online.

The USSU is governed by University Students’ Council; to aid Students’ Council, there are a number of committees that review issues in-depth and provide recommendations for action to the Executive. For more information regarding USSU committees, visit 

If any of the following committees are of interest to you, please submit an online application by 4:30 pm, September 16, 2020.

Students may apply for any of the following:

  • Academic Affairs Committee
  • Budget and Finance Committee
  • Elections Committee
  • External Affairs Committee
  • Indigenous Student Advisory Committee
  • International Student Advisory Committee
  • Student Affairs Committee
  • Sustainability Committee
  • University of Saskatchewan Student Forum


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USSU Welcome Week

We should be lined up for Sasktel Mini doughnuts or in the Bowl celebrating Welcome Week! This year will be different in many ways, but the USSU is determined to continue to offer as many of our services as possible!

This year, the USSU Welcome Week contests and activities will take place online September 2-4.

Survival Calendar
If you are looking for a copy of the Survival Calendar, you’ll be able to find a copy with our friends at the Shop USask location in Preston Crossing.

USSU Work From Home Challenge #USSUWFH
We want to see all the great spaces you have created to work from home! On Instagram, take a picture of your home workspace and tag @ussuexec and use #USSUWFH to enter to win a great Work From Home Package! Contest Ends Sept 4th at 4pm.

USSU Executive Buzzfeed Quiz
Ever wondered which USSU Executive you would be? Take our Executive Buzzfeed quiz and find out!

Sept 2
USSU Trivia
Hosted by VP McKay & VP Bell
6pm on Zoom

1st $125 Visa Gift Card
2nd $75 Visa Gift Card
3rd $50 Visa Gift Card

Sept 3
Online Scavenger Hunt
What better way to get to know all the services that the USSU offers? We will lead you through our website and social media platforms not only to learn about your USSU services but by completing the scavenger hunt; you could win a great prize.

1st $250 Visa Gift Card
2nd $75 Visa Gift Card
3rd $25 Louis’ Loft Gift Card

Sept 4
USSU Bingo
Hosted by VP McKay
6pm on Zoom
$300 worth of prizes throughout the night.

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Louis’ Loft Now Open!

Louis’ Loft is the University of Saskatchewan’s top lunch and coffee spot located on the second floor of the historic Memorial Union Building. We offer a wide array of fresh sandwiches, paninis, and salads along with baking and breakfast offerings sure to satisfy any needs.  We are committed to ensuring we provide a multitude of gluten free, vegan, and vegetarian options to ensure we fulfill our customer’s needs.

We offer locally roasted and equitably sourced coffee and espresso from Venn and Road Coffee.  We also exclusively offer a selection of  Saskatchewan brewed beers on tap.

In our efforts to re-open Louis’ Loft during the Covid-19 pandemic, we have worked hard to ensure optimum safety for our customers and staff. We have created socially distanced areas for ordering and pick up with appropriate signage and demarcation. Online ordering will be available for pick up, and seating with social distancing and cleaning protocols to ensure the Loft is clean and safe for our guests.

Visit to order online or Click Here 

Face Masks

Face masks (non-medical mask or cloth face-coverings) are mandatory in all indoor public spaces for faculty, staff, and students to be on campus.

Feeling Sick

If you are feeling unwell and/or showing signs of illness, you should self-isolate. Even if your illness and symptoms are not consistent with that of the COVID-19 virus, please stay home, monitor your symptoms, and reduce your contact with others:

  • isolate yourself at home to avoid spreading it to others
    • if you live with others, stay in a separate room or keep a 2-metre distance
  • visit a health care professional or call your local public health authority
    • call ahead to tell them your symptoms and follow their instructions


Monday-Friday 9am-2pm

Closed Saturday, Sunday and Holidays

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The USSU is proud to offer this new service to our members! If you’re struggling to find support during this time of physical distancing, Empower Me provides access to counselling and other well-being services delivered by telephone or video-conferencing. It’s confidential, multilingual, and accessible 24/7 at 1-833-628-5589 from anywhere in North America.

Learn more at

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USSU Elections

The University of Saskatchewan Students’ Union (USSU) is conducting Elections for the USSU Executive and University Senate. Voting begins at 9am on Wednesday, March 25, and ends at 4pm on Thursday, March 26.

All eligible voters will have access to the My Election channel in PAWS. Additionally, a notice of the election will appear in PAWS as a larger “sticky” announcement at the top of the PAWS Announcements feed and will not disappear until dismissed by individual users (with “Vote now” or “No thanks” buttons) or the close of the election.

For candidate information visit

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