Just the Basics: New Quizzes

Image by Jose R. Cabello from Pixabay


If you have to take a quiz in Canvas, it may be in the ‘New Quizzes’ format. A New Quiz looks and functions differently than the original version, with a cleaner look and easier-to-find prompts and instructions.


You can get to a New Quizzes quiz from your Course Menu, either from the Quizzes tab if it is visible – or from the Modules tab if the instructor has embedded it into a Module.

When you open the quiz, first you’ll see the instructions and any time limit and due date for completing the quiz. You’ll also see how many attempts you have and your attempt history (points earned, score, and which score is kept – highest or last).

Other things to watch for:

  • You may need an access code to start the quiz.
  • If a ‘Backtrack disabled’ warning appears, you can view only one question at a time – and cannot go back to review any questions.
  • Note how many points each question is worth [1]. (See below.)
  • If you are able to go back to questions, you can pin those for easier access with the Pin icon. [2]
  • For a timed quiz, see the time remaining in the top, middle of your quiz screen. [3]
  • If you’ve taken the older version of a quiz before in Canvas, you may notice different question types, like categorization, matching, ordering or hotspots. See how to navigate through different question types in: How do I answer each type of question in New Quizzes?

When finishing up a quiz:

  • Ensure you click the ‘Submit’ button at the end of the quiz; watch for the ‘Unanswered Questions Warning’ if the quiz allows you to review your questions!
  • If you cannot finish a quiz, you may be able to resume it later, using the Resume Quiz button. *Note: If it is a timed quiz, the quiz will auto submit when the time runs out.
  • View your quiz results: How do I view my quiz results in New Quizzes?


If you have an accommodation of extra time for your quizzes, your instructor can set up extra time for all quizzes in the course at once, rather than one quiz at a time.

Your instructor can also set up extra attempts and remove a time limit on a quiz. You can ask them about these features.

For a general overview, see the Canvas guide:

 How do I take a quiz in New Quizzes?


Increasing Your Options

Grow your study options by accessing course materials in different ways.

Here are four ways you can get access to materials and videos in Canvas to help you study:

1. Turn on the underline function in your Account Settings – so you don’t miss any linked files or external website links. Go to the bottom of the Settings page to Feature Options and ‘Underline links’ to click on ‘Enable.’ Then the links in all your courses will show up better by being underlined.

2. If captions aren’t turned on with Panopto videos in a course, you can ask your instructor or TA to turn on the captions that are automatically created for the videos. (Live captions in Zoom are also available to be turned on by your prof before a Zoom session.) Captions can help everybody in the course to catch the important details of what is said in Zoom or in a Panopto lecture video.

3. The Immersive Reader function in Canvas can read aloud embedded content on pages, assignments, the Home Page and the Syllabus page to you, translate it to another language and read it out, enlarge and/or change spacing or colours of font and background. See our previous post for more info about this option.

4. You can view your course material offline (pages, assignments, discussion topics, or quizzes) by downloading content and viewing it through an e-reader on your device – or by printing it. You might want a hard copy to cut down your screen time, make notes/highlight pages, or get around a unreliable internet connection.

To do this, your professor needs to turn on the ePub exporting feature with a couple of clicks (instructions for them here) and then you can generate and download the ePub file by following this instructions: How do I view course content offline as an ePub file?

Thank you to Julie Mayer from the Distance Education Unit for these tips about a downloaded ePub course.

More study tips:


We acknowledge that the University of Saskatchewan’s main campus is situated on Treaty 6 Territory and the Homeland of the Métis. We pay our respect to the First Nations and Métis ancestors of this place and reaffirm our relationship with one another.

For more support options with Canvas, see the USask Student Canvas page.




Introducing Portfolium: Using the Canvas ePortfolio Tool

When applying for summer jobs, internships, or other such opportunities having an ePortfolio is essential for showing off your projects, abilities, and growth as a young professional.

Brette Wilton-Kristoff, Graduate Student, Communications Specialist, GMCTL

April 23rd, 2021

Photo by Omid Kashmari on Unsplash


Portfolium is a tool offered in Canvas where you can build an electronic portfolio to showcase your work as a student.

“An electronic portfolio/ePortfolio is a collection of student work that is useful for showing both the product and the process of learning …” – Julie Maier,* Instructional Designer, USask Distance Education Unit

Your instructors might also use Portfolium as part of your course requirements: 

    • Be sure to review your course syllabus for specific instructions for using Portfolium as a part of your course requirements.


When integrated across a student’s entire degree program, an ePortfolio allows [student’s] to exit with a thoughtfully-compiled collection of their best work, a timeline of their growth and development as a learner, and a showcase of who they are as a professional and scholar in their field.” – Julie Maier, Instructional Designer, USask Distance Education Unit


 Before you start building your Folio using the USask ePortfolio tool in Canvas, here are a few things to know: 

1. Access your Folio in your Canvas Account profile, accessible from your Global Navigation Menu: 

2. Update your Portfolium Profile and Settings:

  • There are lots of ways you can customize your Folio to showcase who you are as an aspiring scholar!
    • You can customize settings and formatting similar to other platforms such as LinkedIn and Facebook. 
  • Edit your privacy settings and visibility options.
    • Add a list of your current or past Courses to demonstrate your range in educational experience.

3. Upload your ongoing or completed Projects:

  • You can either import directly from Canvas or from your computer files. 
    • Upload a variety of file formats including PDF, Powerpoint, Word Docs, Panopto, Youtube videos, and more. 
  • Showcase your projects and samples of your work that you are most proud of, or that you think demonstrate your learning abilities:

4. Add your Resume, work experience, internships, and scholarships as a way to connect your education with your work/life experience and goals.

  • Be sure to include any fun projects, volunteer experience, or extracurricular community involvement you’ve been involved with.

5. Have more questions about setting up your Folio? Check out the Portfolium Network

*Many thanks to Julie Maier, DEU for her expertise and advice on this post!


Need a quiet place to study?

 The USask Study rooms & seats are open for bookings in advance here: https://libcal.usask.ca/reserve/murray

For more support options with Canvas, see the USask Student Canvas page.

We acknowledge that the University of Saskatchewan’s main campus is situated on Treaty 6, traditional Nehiyaw territory, and the Homeland of the Métis. We pay our respect to the First Nations and Métis ancestors of this place and reaffirm our relationship with one another. 

Final Exam Prep with Canvas

Exams in the Springtime are made somewhat more bearable with the promise of warmer weather, sunshine, and iced coffees.




Brette Wilton-Kristoff, Graduate Student Communications Specialist, GMCTL,

April 10th, 2021



Reviewing the basics is a good place to start to prep for your exams:

  1. Check your Canvas Calendar and map out your exam dates  (and any other important ‘To Do’ items).
    • Each of your courses and groups in Canvas will have a corresponding colored square on your Calendar.
      •  Go to your Calendar page, accessible anywhere from your Global Navigation Menu in Canvas.
      • You can view your Group Calendars from either your Group Home Page, or by locating the corresponding color of that group in your Calendar.
      • All groups and courses are listed on the right side bar of the Calendar page. The coloured square must be showing (clicked into) for course’s or group’s calendar items to appear on your Calendar.
      • Isolate a specific course or group to view in your Calendar for easier viewing.   

     2.  Review your Course Syllabus.

    • Remember this old thing? I find going back at the end of term and reviewing the course outline, outcomes, and assignment breakdowns a helpful way to refresh the themes of the course.
    • In each of your Canvas courses, your Syllabus can be accessed in the Course Navigation Menu. 
    • Right click To Print or, Change to PDF file and save the syllabus directly to your desktop.

3. Check out these Study Smart Tips from last term. 

Remember! The USask Study rooms & seats are open for bookings in advance here: https://libcal.usask.ca/reserve/murray

For more support options with Canvas, see the USask Student Canvas page.

We acknowledge that the University of Saskatchewan’s main campus is situated on Treaty 6, traditional Nehiyaw territory, and the Homeland of the Métis. We pay our respect to the First Nations and Métis ancestors of this place and reaffirm our relationship with one another. 

What the . .?! Canvas FAQs

We’ve scoured the Internet and compiled a list of the most frequently asked questions (FAQs) about Canvas.

Photo by Camylla Battani on Unsplash



Brette Wilton-Kristoff, Graduate Student , Communications Specialist, GMCTL,

March 26th, 2021



1. Why am I receiving so many notifications from Canvas? 

  • All new Canvas user accounts are set to certain default notification settings.
    • Change your ‘Notifications’ preferences in your Account  settings, accessible from your Global Navigation menu (left-hand side bar) or on a course page, the Course Notifications – in the right-hand sidebar.
    •  To learn more, see setting your notifications

2. Why does Canvas seem slow at times?

  • Many factors can affect the processing speed:
    • Like your wireless connection strength, shared usage and/or bandwidth of your internet connection, and other applications you have open, which internet browser is being used, and the processing power/age of your computer.
  • If Canvas seems slow, try doing these first: 
    1. Close all other applications and browser tabs
    2. Try disconnecting /reconnecting to your wireless network
    3. Try moving closer to the wireless router/access point
    4. Restart your computer

3. Which web browser is most compatible with Canvas?

  • Chrome, then Firefox works best. Currently USask IT Support is identifying issues with using Safari for accessing Canvas. Check to see if your web browser is compatible here.

4. How do I view my grades in Canvas?

  • See your grades and any feedback via the grey View Grades button on your Dashboard’s right-hand sidebar.

  • Locate your grades directly in your course by clicking on the ‘Grades’ tab in the course menu (usually in green at USask). 


5. Can I hide my recent grades from the Canvas Dashboard?



For more support options with Canvas, see the USask Student Canvas page.

We acknowledge that the University of Saskatchewan’s main campus is situated on Treaty 6, traditional Nehiyaw territory, and the Homeland of the Métis. We pay our respect to the First Nations and Métis ancestors of this place and reaffirm our relationship with one another. 


Goodbye Blackboard!

Plus tips for Accessing Files and Folders, and about Storage Quotas in Canvas 

Blackboard Heart, Photo by Mark de Jong, Unsplash


Brette D. W. Kristoff, Graduate Student, Communications Specialist, GMCTL   March 10th, 2021


 Out with the old, in with the new, as they say… Blackboard will no longer be accessible for USask students after August 30, 2021.  





Here are a few things you should know: 

Get your materials out of Blackboard!

As USask transitions from Blackboard to Canvas, you’ll want to download and save any material you have generated from your Blackboard courses.  

On August 30, 2021, the transition of USask’s learning management system, from Blackboard to Canvas, will be complete and Blackboard will no longer be available.

Please keep these important details in mind:  

  • The material you created for and in your classes are owned by you.  
  • The material your professors composed or created remain their intellectual property. See the student information about copyright page for details.  

Course materials will remain in Canvas for up to four years after the class ends.

Accessing Files, Folders, and Cloud Storage in Canvas 

  • Canvas Student User Files and Storage
    • By default, each Canvas Student User (that means you!) has 50 MB of ‘cloud’ storage space in Canvas. 
    • User Files include uploaded assignment submissions, conversations, saved photos, and more. 
    • Only you can access and view your user Files. 
    • See Canvas File Quotas for info about how your quota gets used up.

How do I access my materials and files in Canvas?  There are a few ways to access your course and group files.

Option 1: From the Global Navigation in Canvas, open your user Account [1] to find your Files: 

  • Open the Files tab [2]. Here you will find subfolders organized by Course, Group, and category (uploaded assignments, conversation attachments, etc.)

Option 2: Course and group files may also be accessible via the Course Navigation menu, if the instructor has made the Files tab visible.

  • From your Course Navigation menu, click the Files tab. Course Files will contain all uploaded content for that course.
  • Locate the All My Files link (located at the bottom of your course files page) to access your other user Files.


  • Create, reorder, and  rename folders to organize your files. Unused or old Folders can be deleted but all files within that folder will also be deleted.
  • Download your files to save a permanent copy to your desktop or hard-drive for future use.
  • See more details about organizing files here.

Option 3: If your course requires group work, each Canvas Group has 50 MB of storage space.

  • Similarly, Groups have their own Files folder easily accessed from the Group Homepage. 
  • All content published and uploaded within a Group can be viewed by all group members (and instructors). 


Files Storage:

  • Files submitted for assignments cannot be deleted but other materials can be. (Deleting unused files from previous courses will help to free-up storage).
  • Files and your course materials be accessible in Canvas for up to four years.

Accessing Panopto Lecture Capture

  • Panopto is the official USask video platform for lecture capture, instructional videos, and more. 
    • Panopto Recordings will have their own folder in your course menu.
  • Videos can be viewed and uploaded through Canvas.
    • Install the Panopto software from an eligible Web browser to record, edit, and upload your own video content. 
    • See Panopto for Students for info about recording and uploading from a mobile device.

What’s been your biggest adjustment in transitioning to remote learning?

For more support options with Canvas, see the USask Student Canvas page.

We acknowledge that the University of Saskatchewan’s main campus is situated on Treaty 6, traditional Nehiyaw territory, and the Homeland of the Métis. We pay our respect to the First Nations and Métis ancestors of this place and reaffirm our relationship with one another. 


7 Cs of Communication

Brette D. W. KristoffGraduate Student, Communications Specialist, GMCTL  February 24th 2021

“How often do you communicate with people during your day? How clear is your communication? This article, published on Mind Tools, shares seven Cs of communication to ensure you’re communicating in the most clear and effective way possible.” Education Executive, June 28th, 2017

Step-up your written communication game with these 7 tips, adapted for USask Student Canvas Users! 

Photo by David Roberts, May 18, 2016, CC by 2.0

The Education Executive (UK) quoted above, used the 7 Cs of Communication from Mind Tools as a checklist for ensuring maximum efficiency and clarity in your writing.

Not only did I find this list straight-forward, the 7 Cs of Communication can be applied to any style of writing or communication. Whether it be email, Canvas discussions, or even your essay writing, the 7 Cs of Communication will enhance the clarity and efficiency of your writing. 

I read the article (so you don’t have to) and summarized the 7 Cs with some examples specifically for USask Student Canvas Users

What are the 7 Cs of Communication?

Remember these 7 Cs when you’re expressing your ideas in emails, discussion posts, or term papers. Your communication/writing should be:

1. Clear: Be clear about the goal or purpose of what you are trying to communicate.

  • Whether you’re writing a paper, responding to a discussion post, or sending a risky text, be as crystal clear as you can be in your intent. 
  • Be assertive but not aggressive, and AVOID passive-aggressive language at all costs. 
  • Use direct examples when appropriate, and a mix of simple/complex sentences ordered in a logical format. 

2. Concise: Stick to the point and keep it brief.

  • Are there filler words that can be deleted? Have you repeated the same idea more than once just in slightly different phrasing?
  • The article says: 
    • Eliminate and avoid using cliches and sayings such as, “for instance,” “you see,” “literally,” “basically,” “i mean,”… 

3. Concrete:

  • “When your message is concrete, then your audience has a clear picture of what you’re telling them.
  • There are details (but not too many!) and vivid facts, and there’s laser-like focus. Your message is solid.”

4. Correct/Credible: Your information should be audience appropriate and error free. 

  • Your aim should always be to facilitate accurate and relevant information. 
  • Provide proper references for any information that is not your own. Provide external links when appropriate.
  • Technical terms should be clearly explained (and audience appropriate!)
  • Names, titles, and other proper nouns are correctly spelled. Remember that spell check isn’t flawless, and especially sucks at grammar. Sorry Spell Check.  

5. Coherent/Creative: Your information should be ordered logically and express thoughtful ideas. 

  • All of your points must be relevant and related to the main topic.
  • Tone and flow should be consistent. Read your work aloud or to a friend to hear how it sounds. 
  • Be thoughtful, consider different opinions other than your own. Be considerate of what other people might be experiencing, too. 

6. Complete: 

    • Have you included all the necessary information? This includes things like the date, time, location, your information, acknowledging specific questions, or responding to previous correspondence etc. and so on. 
    • When writing an academic paper or assignment, review the requirements for the assignment and ensure you have met each one. 
      • Review your Canvas Course Syllabus



7. Courteous: “Courteous communication is friendly, open, and honest.”

  • The article reminds us to keep the reader’s viewpoint in mind, be empathetic, and to consider different opinions other than just your own.

Our ability to communicate effectively is essential. Everyday we share thoughts, ideas, stories, and information with others. Does what you’re trying to say meet the all 7 Cs of Communication?

                  – Content quoted and adapted from EdExec – 7 Cs of Communication

How can we use these 7 Cs in Canvas? 

  • Remember the 7 Cs of Communication in any setting, to better express your ideas and opinions!
  • Canvas has multiple communication channels which makes interacting with classmates and instructors easier. Offering various ways to collaborate and participate, Canvas Chats, Discussions, and Groups can be used to enhance your  virtual classroom setting. Use the Inbox for internal messaging.
  • Review our Canvas Student Tips posts on using Canvas Discussions and Canvas Groups.

Writing Help

  • USask Students have access  to many services, including the Library Writing Centre, tutoring, and academic writing workshops. 


For more support options with Canvas, see the USask Student Canvas page.

We acknowledge that the University of Saskatchewan’s main campus is situated on Treaty 6, traditional Nehiyaw territory, and the Homeland of the Métis. We pay our respect to the First Nations and Métis ancestors of this place and reaffirm our relationship with one another. 

Using the Canvas Student App

Checking out the Canvas app - Photo by K. D. W. Kristoff, CC by 2.0

Checking out the Canvas app – Photo by K. D. W. Kristoff, CC by 2.0


Download the Canvas Student App on your iPhone (IOS) or Android for easy access to your course content, calendars, and chats.


Brette D. W. KristoffGraduate Student, Communications Specialist, GMCTL, February 8th, 2021


Use the Canvas app to take your coursework on the go with you. If you have reading assignments, group work, or Inbox messages to respond to, the Canvas Student App is easy to use from wherever you are. 

Canvas Student IOS Guide:

  • Search and Download the Canvas Student app for iOS from your app store.
  • Open the app, and select the  U of S as your institution. Then, login using your NSID and password.
  • Check out the full Canvas Student Guide for IPhone for further instructions.

Canvas Student Android Guide:

  • Search and Download the Canvas Student app for Android from your Play Store. 
  • Open the app and select the U of S as your institution. Then, login using your NSID and password.
  • Check out the full Canvas Student Guide for Android for further instructions.

Getting Started with the App: 

By default, the app takes you to your Canvas Dashboard where you can access your courses and favorite groups from your mobile phone.

  • Customize your app landing page and other app features in your User Menu, located at the top left corner of the App.
  • The App looks similar to the desktop version with access to pretty much all the same stuff!
  • Remember, it is not recommended that you use the mobile version of Canvas to take quizzes and exams. 

How do I find my User Menu?

  • At the top left corner of the app Dashboard, is your User Menu.
  • Here is where you can find your settings and help features, there you will find your Files folder.
  • For both IOS and Android, access mobile Help options from the User Menu. 


How do I manage my email and push notifications for the App?

  • Find the Settings tab in your User Menu.
  • Enable your notification preferences to get important reminders, calendar updates, Inbox notifications and more.





Where do I access my Course content in the App?

  • From your Dashboard, select the course you want to access. This will take you to the Course Home page just like in the desktop version.
  •  Click on the title of the course you want to access to find your Modules, Files, People, Grades, and everything else.

What else is cool about the app?

  1. Use the document scanner in the app to easily scan and upload Files and Assignments.
  2. Bookmark pages on the app for quick reference later:
    • If you’re using the app to catch up on your course Reading Assignments, select the bookmark option from the drop-down menu at the top right corner.
    • Your saved bookmarks can be found for quick reference in your User Menu.

Remember: Use the Student App for anything except Canvas quizzes and exams. It is not recommended you take quizzes on your mobile device and “remotely proctored” exams will only work on your laptop or desktop computer.


We acknowledge that the University of Saskatchewan’s main campus is situated on Treaty 6 Territory and the Homeland of the Métis. We pay our respect to the First Nations and Métis ancestors of this place and reaffirm our relationship with one another. 

For more support options with Canvas, see the USask Student Canvas page.

Groups in Canvas

Teamwork makes the dream work.

Tribute to Youth, bronze sculpture, 1998 by A. Epp – Photo by B. D. W. Kristoff, CC by 2.0

Brette D. W. Kristoff, Graduate StudentCommunications Specialist, GMCTL,        Feb.1, 2021

In your Canvas courses, instructors may have you work in groups for different assignments and tasks.

1) How do I find my group?                                                                                          Click on the Groups icon from your Global Navigation Menu to view the groups you are a member of. Select the name of the group to access the Group Homepage.

2) What is a Group Homepage?                                                                                       Each group has its own Homepage with a variety of tools for collaborating on assignments, presentations, and projects. From the Homepage you can review the most Recent Activity within the group, or view/create group Announcements.

  • Only members belonging to the group (and your instructors and TAs) have access to the Groups Homepage and content. 
  •  To see who else is in the group, select the People tab.

3) What are Discussions and Collaborations used for?                                               From your Group Homepage, you can also access Discussions, Collaborations, and Files that your instructor may have set up for your group. 

  • Discussions allow you to participate in group conversations and discussions. Create a new discussion topic for your group by clicking the ‘Add Discussion’ button.
  • Remember that all group members have access to all group Discussions. To send a private message to a classmate or to your instructor, use the Canvas Inbox tool. 
  • Collaborations allow you to create shared documents with group members. 
  • Files will store all uploaded group content. Use the ‘Upload’ button to share documents and files for other group members to access. 

4) How do I view my group’s Calendar?                                                                There are two ways to view your can view your groups’ Calendars: 

Option 1: From your group Home Page, select the View Calendar link on the right side of the Home Page.

Option 2: From your Global Navigation menu, open the Calendar tab, accessible wherever you are in Canvas. The names of your Groups will be listed on the right side of the page under CALENDARS, at the bottom of the list. Each group needs to have a coloured square beside it, to be visible in the Calendar.



5) How do I join a ‘self sign-up’ group?                                                                 There may be a course requirement to join a ‘self sign-up’ group and participate in discussions and activities:

To join an available group, go to the People tab in your course, open the Groups tab. All available groups for this Course will be listed here. 

  • To join a group, click Join to open the group and add your name.
  • You may be able to ‘Leave’ to switch to a different group. Review the requirements for ‘self sign-up’ groups in your Course syllabus. 

6) How do I communicate with my group?                                                                Within Canvas there are several options for communicating with group members:

Option 1: Use the Canvas Inbox tool. The Inbox create a list of your groups so you can easily message all group members; or select individual group members or classmates from the drop-down ‘To” menu when sending a message.                              Option 2: Start a new Discussion topic or contribution to on-going topics in the group Discussion tab. Remember all group members and instructors can access Discussions.                                                              Option 3: Your Course Chat allows you to DM (direct message) your groups members in a quick and casual way.                                                                          Option 4: From your group Homepage, you can add an Announcement to create Calendar events, messages, updates, or reminders for your group. 


We acknowledge that the University of Saskatchewan’s main campus is situated on Treaty 6 Territory and the Homeland of the Métis. We pay our respect to the First Nations and Métis ancestors of this place and reaffirm our relationship with one another. 

For more support options with Canvas, see the USask Student Canvas page.

Using MEETS in Canvas

‘Meeting up’ might look a little different this year . . .

        Use MEETS in Canvas to attend and manage your online meeting spaces . . .             All your class meetings in Canvas, all in one place!

Same, same, but different: USask roommates take a needed coffee break. – Photo by B. D. W. Kristoff, CC by 2.0

Brette D. W. Kristoff, Graduate Student – Communications Specialist, GMCTL, January 26th, 2021

What is MEETS?

Canvas uses MEETS to host and manage WebEx virtual classrooms and online meeting spaces. 

    • Canvas course lectures may be hosted and scheduled through the MEETS tool in Canvas.
    • Join events in MEETS for video conferencing or for scheduling meetings with your instructors.  

Here are a few other things we think you should know about using MEETS with Canvas:

  • The first time you use MEETS you may be prompted to install:
    • WebEx Desktop App or Desktop Extension/Add-on for your browser
    • Install the Webex app for your mobile device. 

Tip!  Google Chrome seems to be the quickest for using/installing the add-on. Make you do this before your first scheduled MEET. 

How do I attend a scheduled session?

  1. Once you’ve logged into your Canvas Course, the MEETS tab is accessible from your Course menu.
  2. Upcoming sessions will be listed under the Event Calendar tab at the top of the screen.
  3. Under Events, select the event titled in blue font, and click the orange Join button, just before the event/meeting/class starts.

Sign-up for Office Hours/One-on-One Appointments:

Book Appointments with your instructors or view office hour availability using MEETS:

1. Select Appointment Booking.            2. Choose “Book appointment with” from the drop down menu if there are multiple instructors in your course.

3. Select a time slot marked “Available.”

4. Next, fill in the necessary information to Reserve Appointment. Best to add your name into the Appointment Topic text box.

5. You will then receive an email confirmation. When it’s time for your appointment, click Join under Events in your MEETS page. The appointment is exclusive to you and no other student has access to join the appointment during the time slot.

Accessing Recorded Sessions: 

  • Access previously recorded sessions from the Event Recordings tab on your MEETS homepage: 
  • Here you’ll find a list of recorded content. Select View Recordings to watch. You can stream or download the recordings.

We’d like to thank Carmen Harder, ICT Support Services, Training Specialist for her help in writing this blog!

For more support options with Canvas, see the USask Student Canvas page.

We acknowledge that the University of Saskatchewan’s main campus is situated on Treaty 6 Territory and the Homeland of the Métis. We pay our respect to the First Nations and Métis ancestors of this place and reaffirm our relationship with one another.