U of S Centre for Hydrology contribution to Global Chorus

The University of Saskatchewan Centre for Hydrology has contributed two chapters to Global Chorus, a collection of 365 perspectives on the environmental future of the planet.

John Pomeroy, director and Bob Sandford, fellow have written contributions on climate change and hydrology that are frank assessments of the challenges imposed by excessive greenhouse gases and the global water crisis from the perspective of research in western Canada and elsewhere.

Contributors to the book are from around the world and include Nelson Mandela, Stephen Hawking, the Dalai Lama, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Mikhail Gorbachev, Jane Goodall, John Ralston Saul, Farley Mowat and many others. Global Chorus is being published this month by Rocky Mountain Books: more details are available at http://globalchorus.ca

Pomeroy to Lecture on 2013 Floods at U of C

Professor John Pomeroy has been invited to make a presentation titledĀ The Mountain Hydrology behind the Alberta Flood of 2013 as part of the University of Calgary’s Energy and Environmental Systems Specialization Seminar Series.

The talk, which is free and open to the public, will take place at 3pm on Monday 6th October in EEEL 210 (Energy. Environment. Experiential Learning, 750 Campus Drive).

R Lunch Wednesday 15th October 11:30am

This month’s R Lunch will take place on Wednesday October 15th at 11:30am in Physics 126.

It will be presented by Phillip Harder, who is a Ph.D. candidate at the Centre for Hydrology. The title of his presentation is: How reproducible is your research?: Principles and R examples

Bring your lunch and learn something new!