CH Model Contributes to UNESCO Andean Hydrological Training in Chile

The UNESCO International Hydrological Programme Course on Professional Training on Andean Hydrology held in Santiago, Chile, 17-20 November 2015 featured hydrological model training using the U of S’s Cold Regions Hydrological Model (CRHM) – taught by Dr James McPhee and PhD student Yohann Videla Giering, both of the University of Chile.

The course was taught to 52 students from Chile, Bolivia, Peru, Costa Rica, Mexico, Brazil, Belgium, Dominican Republic, Argentina and Germany. Dr McPhee is a collaborator with UofS in the field of mountain hydrology and water resources. Yohann Videla Giering is now on a Chilean Government-funded exchange spending 6 months with the University of Saskatchewan Centre for Hydrology (GIWS) where he is learning how to apply the new glacier hydrology components of CRHM (developed as part of CCRN) to calculate the water resources of the Andes.

More details are provided (in Spanish) here.

CH Provides Insights on Wider Implications of Warm Spring Conditions

Prof. John Pomeroy – in his capacity as Canada Research Chair in Water Resources and Climate Change – was recently asked by two media outlets for his thoughts on the science behind this year’s warm winter and spring.

Saskatoon’s StarPhoenix newspaper published an article considering the links between these historically highly unusual (and in some cases unprecedented) conditions, global climate change, and what may yet turn out to be the strongest El Niño on record. It also looked at what they may portend for the risks of floods, drought and wildfires during the approaching summer.

Similar points were covered by local radio station News Talk 650.

The news article is available from its original source here, and as a downloadable PDF: the radio piece is described here.