9 New Global Water Futures PDFs Sought

The major new Global Water Futures research program, to which CH is a major contributor, has posted nine opportunities for Post-Doctoral Fellowships (PDFs) related to hydrology and water resources.

PDFs are sought in three main areas of interest:

  • Hydrological & Water Quality Forecasting (5 positions, in flood forecasting, seasonal and drought forecasting, data assimilation, river-ice modelling and water quality)
  • Climate and Diagnostic Hydrological & Water-Quality Modelling (2 positions, in climate-change and hydrological modelling)
  • Water Resources Modelling (2 positions)

More details are available here.

CH Paper Success at WSC

A presentation delivered by CH Post-Doctoral Fellow Nic Wayand (on behalf of CH co-authors Chris Marsh and John Pomeroy) at the Western Snow Conference in Boise, ID in April was awarded the meeting’s overall Best Paper prize.

The talk, titled Evaluating the impact of blowing snow and avalanche redistribution on modelling alpine snowpack and snowcovered area over the Canadian Rockies, explored the importance of including metrics describing the redistribution of snow by wind and avalanches in snowpack models, and the potential of high-resolution remotely-sensed imagery to provide information against which to validate efforts to do so.

Many congratulations to Nic and his CH colleagues!