John Pomeroy Climate Change Webinar – Part 2, June 17

Climate Change and Canada’s Water Future – Part 2
Creative Solutions
for a New World – Climate Series

June 17, 2020 11am – noon, Pacific time

The second part of the Global Water Futures webinar (see the first show here) will feature two of the titans of contemporary climate science research in the world.

Dr. Trevor Davies, the force behind the creation of the Tyndall Climate Research Centre at the University of East Anglia in Britain, the first dedicated climate research unit in the world, and the scientist who also led the careful and thoughtful response of the global climate community to the Climategate crises that derailed climate action at the failed IPCC climate conference in Copenhagen in 2009, will discuss the history of sabotage of climate science.

Dr. John Pomeroy, who currently directs the largest water and water-related climate research program in the world, will then discuss how the world can transcend the mistakes of the past to ensure the scientific findings generated by leading edge contemporary research can inform evidence-based policy decisions in the future, not just in Canada but around the world.

This session will be moderated by award-winning author Bob Sandford, senior advisor on water policy and as the 20-year Chair of Water and Climate Security at the United Nations University Institute for Water, Environment and Health.

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