Rockies’ conditions reflected in IPCC high mountains report

Earth’s high mountain areas are so significant in terms of climate change impacts that last fall the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) issued its Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate.

Around the world, high mountain areas are places that hold much of Earth’s cryosphere, as the frozen parts of the planet are known, including snow, glaciers, permafrost and lake ice and river ice.

These high mountain areas are also where widespread changes are taking place in response to the planet’s warming temperatures. Declining snowpacks and shifts in the amount and timing of snowmelt runoff are just some of the changes happening in these areas.

The effects aren’t limited to the mountains, but have impacts on physical, biological and human systems in the lowlands downstream.

That includes the Canadian Rockies, foothills and prairies.

Read the Canmore Rocky Mountain Article full here.

Climate change, pollution and urbanization threaten water in Canada

In recent years, the daily news has been flooded with stories of water woes from coast to coast to coast.

There are melting glaciers and ice sheets in northern and western Canada and lead in drinking water in the older neighbourhoods of many cities in Canada. We see toxic blue green algae threatening pets, livestock and drinking water as well as catastrophic floodsdroughts and fires.

In 2018, parts of British Columbia experienced devastating floods, followed by wildfires a couple of months later.

Our water resources are under threat from contamination, land use, urbanization and climate change. If we’re not careful, it may not be clean enough or available when we need it.

Read the full The Conversation article here. 

The world is ‘losing its cool’ with the loss of snowpacks and glaciers, posing threats to water security

The following was released by the University of Saskatchewan:

MADRID, SPAIN – At the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Madrid, Spain (COP25), University of Saskatchewan (USask) scientists are focusing attention on the world’s changing mountain snowpacks, glaciers, vegetation, and long-term effects that the thaw of snow and ice are having on the world’s freshwater and ocean water. Continue reading

CH Seminar – Bart Forman

A Monolithic Shift from the Monolith:

Towards a Smallsat Constellation Configuration for Global Snow Mass Characterization


Presented by:

Bart Forman


Associate Professor

The Deborah J. Goodings Professor in Engineering for Global Sustainability

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

University of Maryland

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