CBC Profiles CH Use of Drones to Gauge Snow Conditions

CBC has profiled CH’s use of small remotely-piloted aerial systems to obtain detailed imagery of mountain terrain and snowpack on The National and its website.

By gathering large numbers of overlapping high-resolution pictures from the ‘drone’, detailed three-dimensional models of the land surface may be generated. Doing so at regular intervals through the winter shows how the shape of the surface changes, as snow falls and the snowpack evolves, in response to differential redistribution and ablation in settings with contrasting exposures to wind and sun.

This informs the refinement of computer models which mimic changes in the spatial distribution of snow depth, and so help to identify locations, volumes and rates of melting, and thus predict runoff. Because most river flows in this area are fed by meltwater, this in turn provides valuable information to guide monitoring of key water resources metrics, including the development of conditions likely to result in drought or flooding.

This work is part of the major new Global Water Futures network, headed from the University of Saskatchewan, and for which CH director Professor John Pomeroy is the Associate Director.

Science in Society Symposium 8 March 2017

Professor John Pomeroy will be presenting at a symposium titled Science in Society: Recent Initiatives and New Directions, organized by the Johnson Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy to mark the launch of the Centre for the Study of Science and Innovation Policy (CSIP).

The event, which will be hosted by both the University of Regina and University of Saskatchewan, will take place on Wednesday, 8 March 2017 from 1 pm to 4 pm. The Saskatoon venue is the Prairie Room in the Diefenbaker Building.

Full details, including the registration link, are available in the event PDF.

Himalayan Research Seminar on Monday 6th February

Dr Joe Shea, who is a Research Scientist at the U. of S. Centre for Hydrology and a
Visiting Scientist at the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) in Kathmandu, Nepal, will present a seminar titled Snow, Ice, Rivers, and Earthquakes: Himalayan Research and Life in Nepal on Monday, 6th February 2017.

The talk will describe Joe’s research experiences from 2012-2016, while working as a Research Scientist based at ICIMOD in Kathmandu.This included high mountain hydrological and meteorological monitoring, the pioneering use of unmanned aerial vehicles for glacier change detection, glacier modelling studies, and a major earthquake.

The seminar will take place at 3 p.m. on Monday 6th February, in 144 Kirk Hall.

Pomeroy Presentation at Bighorn Municipal District Event

Professor John Pomeroy has been invited to give a presentation titled Climate Change and Forest Change – The Impacts on our Waters, at the Municipal District of Bighorn’s Living in the Natural Environment event at the Cochrane RancheHouse on Friday 3rd February.

The talk will discuss the rapid changes in mountain snow and glacial regimes occurring in many parts of the world, and how this is already impacting downstream water security. It will also cover aspects of the hydrological management of mountain forests, changes observed in the Bow River Basin, and options for mitigation strategies.

More information about the event is available on the municipal district’s website and from the event poster.

CH PhD student wins AGU Cryosphere Innovation Award

At the Fall AGU Meeting in San Francisco this December, Christopher Marsh was successful in the Flash Freeze competition for a Cryosphere Innovation Award.

The award is given in recognition of innovative student-led research in the Cryospheric Sciences. The Innovation Award for Cryospheric Sciences is awarded once a year to students within the Cryosphere section who show great potential and innovative work within the field, to provide the students with resources, in the form of mini-grants, to advance their innovation. Innovative projects may include but are not limited to instrument design, model adaptation, field techniques, studies in new geographic regions, studies involving new collaborations including interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary collaborations, science communication and education, and remote sensing methods.

Chris won the award for his presentation The Canadian Hydrological Model: a Multiscale, Multiphysics, Variable Resolution Mesh Simulation System for Cold Regions.

More details are available here and here.

Canmore Press Profiles New Coldwater Lab

Canmore’s Crag & Canyon has published an article profiling CH’s Coldwater Laboratory.

The lab. has just moved to new premises in the town from its former site at the University of Calgary’s BioGeoSciences Institute in Kananaskis Country, where it was established in 2009.

The new facility will provide the base for an augmented complement of scientists studying processes related to water, snow and ice in the S.E. Canadian Rockies, funded by the University of Saskatchewan’s new Global Water Futures program.

The article is available online here.

CH Members on Agenda at Climate Extremes Workshop

CH members John Pomeroy, Howard Wheater and Bob Sandford have been asked to speak at Climate Extremes – a National Collaboration on Floods and Droughts, a workshop being organised by the Canadian Water Resources Association and Canadian Society for Hydrological Science in partnership with Environment and Climate Change Canada.

The workshop aims to explore resources, challenges and opportunities in water management related to flooding and droughts, from both Canadian and international perspectives. It is to take place in Ottawa on Friday 27th January 2017.

Registration details are available here, and a draft agenda (as of 6 December 2016) is posted here.



Coldwater Lab Moves to Canmore

On December 1st 2016, CH’s Coldwater Laboratory moved from the Barrier Lake Field Station in Kananaskis Country to new offices in central Canmore.

The new premises (shown below), at #116, 1151 Sidney Street, provide more convenient access, additional space, and improved internet connectivity.

The new home of the Coldwater Laboratory

The new home of the Coldwater Laboratory

New Coldwater Laboratory - outside view

New Coldwater Laboratory – outside view

CH Research Reports on Accelerating Melt of Canadian Glaciers

Research involving CH scientists has found that major glaciers in the Canadian Rockies are melting increasingly rapidly. This is primarily the result of a combination of less annual snowfall and higher temperatures in spring and summer, leading to the loss of multi-year snow or firn. Without this bright white insulating blanket, which has in the past helped to protect and preserve the glaciers through the warmer months, the ice absorbs greater amounts of solar energy and so melts more rapidly. Estimates from measurementys taken through the summer of 2016 suggest that around one metre of ice depth was lost every month, beginning several weeks earlier than usual as a result of early warm temperatures. This in turn does not bode well for water resources across the prairies through the growing seasons of years to come, as the major river systems rely largely on meltwater to maintain their flows.

The article is available on the original site here, and also as a PDF.