CH Contributes to Media Floodwatch

CH Director Prof. John Pomeroy has again been asked to contribute information to the continuing – and understandable – concern in the Bow Valley about this Spring’s above-average spring snowpack in the Rockies:

Calgary Herald, 29th May 2014
Alarm raised over flood mitigation work near Canmore

Global News, 15th May 2014
Flood risks from melting snow pack ‘enough to be concerned about’

CBC Calgary, 12th May 2014
Experts watch mountain snowpack for flood warning signs

Calgary Herald, 6th May 2014
UPDATE: Experts say building dams and diversion channels not the best way to deal with floods
Canmore keeping close eye on water levels after rain and snow

Calgary Herald, 5th May 2014
Nature the answer to managing floods

CH Seminar, Coldwater Lab., Friday 16th May at 3pm

The Centre for Hydrology’s Coldwater Lab. is hosting a seminar by Dr Jessica Lundquist (Mountain Hydrology Research Group, University of Washington), titled Effects of climate on forest-snow interactions.

The talk will summarize recent research on forest cover / snowpack interactions around the world, review advances in measuring interception of snow in forest canopies, and introduce a new research project on forest-climate effects on snowcover in the US Pacific Northwest.

It takes place in the Main Lecture Theatre at the BGS Institute, Barrier Lake Field Station, Kananaskis, Alberta on Friday May 16, 2014 from 3-4pm.

CH Director Interviewed by The National at CGU

CBC’s The National interviewed Professor John Pomeroy at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Geophysical Union, to respond to the US Government report on Climate Change Impacts in the United States, which was released by President Obama on May 6th. The segment is available for online viewing here.

Dr Pomeroy noted that the impacts of climate change were evident in Canada, with a substantial increase in Canadian Prairie streamflow and rainfall duration associated with recent flooding in the Prairies.

These results were presented by Stacey Dumanski to the CGU on Monday, May 5th.

Congratulations to Centre for Hydrology Thesis Award Winners Kinar and Harder

Current Centre for Hydrology Postdoctoral Research Fellow Dr Nicholas Kinar won one of four University of Saskatchewan Graduate Thesis Awards (PhD) awarded this year for his thesis: Acoustic Measurement of Snow.

Current Centre for Hydrology PhD student Phillip Harder won one of five University of Saskatchewan Graduate Thesis Awards (MSc) awarded this year for his thesis: Precipitation Phase Partitioning with a Psychrometric Energy Balance: Model Development and Application.

Congratulations to both Dr Kinar and Mr Harder for exceptional research excellence.

2013 Alberta Floods Panel in Banff

The 2013 Flood: What Happened, Why It Happened, and What We Might Expect

Thursday, May 1, 7 to 9 PM: Whyte Museum, Banff, Alberta
Admission by Donation

Join the Centre for Hydrology’s Professor John Pomeroy, Canada Research Chair in Water Resources & Climate Change at the University of Saskatchewan; Paul Whitfield, Senior Research Fellow with the Centre for Hydrology; and Bob Sandford, Chair of United Nations Water for Life Decade partnership in Canada, as they discuss the events of the 2013 flood, what we learned from it and how we can move forward.

Jason Mercer Awarded SWS Grant

CH’s Dr Cherie Westbrook writes –

I am very pleased to report that it was just announced that Jason Mercer has won a 2014 SWS Student Research Grant from the Society of Wetland Scientists to help fund his MSc work on resiliency of alpine wetlands to environmental change in the Rockies. These grants are extremely competitive, and only rarely is a student at a Canadian institution awarded one.

Congratulations Jason!