Virtual Book Launch – If Sylvie had Nine Lives by Leona Theis

“If Sylvie had Nine Lives chronicles the various lives of the character Sylvie, who in her ninth life ends up a PhD student in the Centre for Hydrology studying snowmelt flooding in Marmot Creek Research Basin, Kananaskis. The description of her fieldwork trip to Fisera Ridge will resonate with those who have conducted snow hydrology fieldwork in the Canadian Rockies and elsewhere. And overall, it is an engaging and enjoyable book”.
-John Pomeroy

Join Leona Theis for the virtual launch of ‘If Sylvie Had Nine Lives’

Online Cutting Edge Lecture in Science: Freshwater Futures for Canada and the World

McGill University Free Zoom event
September 24, 6pm-7pm EDT (4pm-5pm CST)

Canada and the world are facing unprecedented water-related challenges. Climate warming and human actions are altering precipitation patterns, reducing snow levels, accelerating glacier melting, intensifying floods, and increasing risk of droughts, while pollution from population growth and industrialization is degrading water systems. With such unprecedented change, it is clear that the historical patterns of water availability are no longer a reliable guide for the future.

Join Dr. John Pomeroy, winner of the 2020 Miroslaw Romanowski Medal, for a free cutting-edge lecture in science that will delve into these issues. Dr. Pomeroy will present the results of his research and show how Canada can lead the world in forecasting, preparing for and managing water futures in the face of dramatically increasing risks.

Brought to you by the Redpath Museum.

RSVP for this event here in order to receive the Zoom link.

John Pomeroy to speak at GW4 Water Security Alliance online conference

Knowledge Flow – Building Bridges between Science & Community

28-30 September, 2020

A team of PhD students from across the GW4 are leading an exciting new conference. Working with the WSA and The Flow Partnership, their event will bring together practitioners working with communities across the world, and researchers, working in fields spanning climate change, water scarcity and resource management, flood risk and policy, to explore this vital ‘knowledge flow’.

View more information here.



Dr. John Pomeroy to offer webinar on Mountain Snow Hydrology, September 3, 2020

September, 3, 2020
6am -7:30am, CST

This presentation will review advances in understanding the snow processes that control the hydrology of high mountain areas: snow accumulation, redistribution by wind and gravity, interception by forest canopies, sublimation, snowmelt and runoff generation. It will discuss how these processes operate in various high mountain environments, how they can be measured and show through computer simulations how they work together at the headwater catchment scale to generate downstream water resources. Snow processes are particularly sensitive to climate warming and so their role in controlling the vulnerability of water resources to climate change will be highlighted.

Register here.

Agriculture Considerations for the Canada Water Agency mini virtual workshop

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Global Water Futures’ upcoming 2-part mini virtual workshop will focus on Canadian agricultural water management issues, capabilities, advances and needs to help inform the federal government in its development of the Canada Water Agency.

Featuring The Honourable Ralph Goodale, this workshop will build on the discussion that began with the National Water Policy Panel on May 13th by diving deeper into priority water issues as they relate to agriculture. The workshop will include the latest scientific advances from GWF projects, science-to-policy discussions with ag-water leaders, and opportunities for participants from diverse agricultural sectors to offer perspectives and identify science synergies and policy implementation.

Part 1: GWF agriculture and water science: issues, capabilities, advances and needs
8:00-9:30am PDT | 9:00-10:30am MDT/CST | 11:00am-12:30pm EDT | 12:00-1:30pm ADT

Part 2: Water science to agriculture policy discussions
10:30am-12pm PDT | 11:30am-1:00pm MDT/CST | 1:30-3:00pm EDT | 2:30-4:00 pm ADT
*Please note that Part 2 has been changed to an earlier start since previous save-the-date communications.

View workshop format and agenda here.

Register here.

Event contacts:
Stephanie Merrill, University of Saskatchewan GWF Knowledge Mobilization Specialist:
Nancy Goucher, University of Waterloo GWF Knowledge Mobilization Specialist:

John Pomeroy Climate Change Webinar – Part 2, June 17

Climate Change and Canada’s Water Future – Part 2
Creative Solutions
for a New World – Climate Series

June 17, 2020 11am – noon, Pacific time

The second part of the Global Water Futures webinar (see the first show here) will feature two of the titans of contemporary climate science research in the world.

Dr. Trevor Davies, the force behind the creation of the Tyndall Climate Research Centre at the University of East Anglia in Britain, the first dedicated climate research unit in the world, and the scientist who also led the careful and thoughtful response of the global climate community to the Climategate crises that derailed climate action at the failed IPCC climate conference in Copenhagen in 2009, will discuss the history of sabotage of climate science.

Dr. John Pomeroy, who currently directs the largest water and water-related climate research program in the world, will then discuss how the world can transcend the mistakes of the past to ensure the scientific findings generated by leading edge contemporary research can inform evidence-based policy decisions in the future, not just in Canada but around the world.

This session will be moderated by award-winning author Bob Sandford, senior advisor on water policy and as the 20-year Chair of Water and Climate Security at the United Nations University Institute for Water, Environment and Health.

Facebook Event Page

Register here.



John Pomeroy Climate Change Webinar – part 1, May 27th

Canada’s Climate and Water Futures- Which Future Will We Choose?
Creative Solutions for a New World Climate Series 

“Award-winning author; Chair of Water and Climate Security at the United Nations University Institute for Water, Environment and Health; and senior policy advisor, Bob Sandford, will join us again on Wednesday, May 27th, for a fascinating discussion with the much celebrated Dr. John Pomeroy, Canada Research Chair in Water Resources and Climate Change; Associate Director, Global Institute for Water Security; and Director of the Global Water Futures Program.

The effects of climate change are magnified in Canada’s North and other cold regions where global warming is changing landscapes, ecosystems and the water environments faster than any other region on Earth. The goal of the Global Water Futures Program is to forecast water futures and use leading edge science to deliver risk management solutions. Through this research, Canada will become a global leader in water science in cold regions and will address the strategic needs for the Canadian economy in adapting to change and managing risks associated with uncertain water futures and extreme events.”

May 27th, 2020
11am-noon Pacific Time

Register at

See the video here.


John Pomeroy to Discuss Water Security in the Massey Dialogues on May 26th

Tuesday, May 26, 2020 – 4:00-5:00pm Eastern Time

The Dialogues format is as follows: Principal Des Rosiers of Massey College will first interview Dr. Pomeroy regarding Water Security, which will then evolve into a broader discussion with a Junior Fellow and an invited guest from the community in an unrelated discipline. Together via live broadcast, the guests will describe what they have drawn from the talk and reflect on how it applies to their own profession and research.

Everyone is invited to follow the discussion via the Massey College YouTube channel, where participants are invited to listen and interact with our guests in real time by posting questions online via the YouTube chat function.

For more information click here.