Public Meeting: Saskatchewan’s Water Future

Join Dr. John Pomeroy for a free public meeting on Saskatchewan’s Water Future. Over the last century, the prairies have undergone unprecedented changes and the supply and security of water resources are predicted to become increasingly stressed in the future.

When: Wednesday, June 13th at 7 pm

Where: Gymnasium, Great Plains College – Swift Current Campus (129 2nd Avenue NE, Swift Current, SK S9H 4G3)

All are welcome to attend! For more information and to RSVP to the event, please visit the event webpage.

Freshwater Alliance Webinar – June 28

Freshwater Alliance is hosting a webinar with guest speaker Dr. John Pomeroy on June 28 at 12 pm PT/1 pm CST/3 pm ET.

Dr. Pomeroy will discuss how the multi-national research project, Global Water Futures (GWF), is working with hundreds of researchers to deliver risk management solutions—informed by leading-edge water science—to manage water futures in Canada and other cold regions where global warming is changing landscapes, ecosystems, and the water environment. In the webinar, Dr. Pomeroy will share highlights of the research to date, and opportunities for the freshwater community to collaborate with GWF researchers.

To RSVP for the event, please visit

GWF Inaugural Annual Science Meeting

Global Water Futures (GWF) is hosting the inaugural Annual Science Meeting from June 3-6, 2018 at McMaster University and Six Nations of the Grand River.

The primary purpose of the Global Water Futures inaugural Annual Science Meeting is to provide an opportunity for all GWF researchers and affiliated highly qualified personnel to gather and share their scientific findings and other relevant activities and outcomes with GWF community and users/stakeholders. Over 360 researchers, scientists, students, stakeholders, end-users and community members from across Canada and internationally are expected to attend.

For more information, please visit the GWF Inaugural Annual Science Meeting website.

Let’s Talk Climate & Water Science!

The Centre for Hydrology is proud to co-present Let’s Talk Climate & Water Science, a public event where three internationally renowned climate and water scientists will speak about leading-edge studies on climate change and its impact on extreme events and changes to the water cycle. A panel discussion with questions from the audience will follow. This event is free and open to the public.

When: May 5, 2018 | Reception: 6:30 pm | Presentations: 7:00 pm

Where: Canmore Collegiate High School Theatre

For more details, including registering for free tickets: 

Event Poster


Seminar by Dr Juan Ignacio Lopez Moreno

Dr Juan Ignacio Lopez Moreno, of the Pyrenean Ecology Institute of CSIC in Jaca, Spain, will present a CH seminar titled Climate Snow and Water Studies in the Pyrenees on Friday 20 April.

The Pyrenees is the largest mountain range in Spain and a good example of how climate and land use changes are affecting the hydrology of mountain headwaters and the water availability of neighbouring lowland areas.

The presentation will provide a summary of the research carried out in the Pyrenean Institute of Ecology to understand and quantify global change processes in mountain areas and its impacts on snowpack, glaciers and water resources.

The seminar will take place at 11am on Friday 20th April, in Room 1261 of the NHRC. It will also be streamed by WebEx.



New Coldwater Lab in Canmore Officially Open

The new Canmore premises occupied by CH’s Coldwater Laboratory held a A “Grand Opening” of over the 4th and 5th of May 2017.

Events included an Open House at the lab on both days, a book-reading by CH member and author Bob Sandford, and a reception and Science Town Hall at the Opera House, attended by the Honourable Shannon Phillips, Alberta Minister of Environment and Parks and Minister Responsible for the Climate-Change Office.

The opening of the new facility, and also of the new Global Water Futures research program which has enabled the move, was covered by several news outlets –

Science in Society Symposium 8 March 2017

Professor John Pomeroy will be presenting at a symposium titled Science in Society: Recent Initiatives and New Directions, organized by the Johnson Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy to mark the launch of the Centre for the Study of Science and Innovation Policy (CSIP).

The event, which will be hosted by both the University of Regina and University of Saskatchewan, will take place on Wednesday, 8 March 2017 from 1 pm to 4 pm. The Saskatoon venue is the Prairie Room in the Diefenbaker Building.

Full details, including the registration link, are available in the event PDF.

Himalayan Research Seminar on Monday 6th February

Dr Joe Shea, who is a Research Scientist at the U. of S. Centre for Hydrology and a
Visiting Scientist at the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) in Kathmandu, Nepal, will present a seminar titled Snow, Ice, Rivers, and Earthquakes: Himalayan Research and Life in Nepal on Monday, 6th February 2017.

The talk will describe Joe’s research experiences from 2012-2016, while working as a Research Scientist based at ICIMOD in Kathmandu.This included high mountain hydrological and meteorological monitoring, the pioneering use of unmanned aerial vehicles for glacier change detection, glacier modelling studies, and a major earthquake.

The seminar will take place at 3 p.m. on Monday 6th February, in 144 Kirk Hall.