Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Snow Modelling

The Centre for Hydrology at the University of Saskatchewan is seeking a Post-Doctoral Fellow to join Canada’s Changing Cold Regions Network.

Working in conjunction with Environment Canada, the succcessful candidate will seek to improve the representation of snow processes and incorporate data assimilation techniques in large-scale hydrological models for application in prairie, forest and alpine contexts throughout western Canada.

Full details of the post and application process are available here.


Opportunity for a Hydrology Research Officer

The University of Saskatchewan Centre for Hydrology, with funding from Yukon Environment Water Resources Branch and in collaboration with McMaster University, under a climate change study supported by Transport Canada, is inviting applications for the post of Hydrology Research Officer.

We are looking for an energetic hydrologist to carry out field and office research which includes:

  • Installation, maintenance and operation of hydrological and meteorological monitoring instrumentation in Wolf Creek Research Basin, and along the Dempster Highway, Yukon;
  • Hydrological and meteorological data retrieval, quality control and assurance, archiving and dissemination of data;
  • Carrying out hydroclimatic analyses;
  • Preparation of technical reports.

Applicants must have a BSc degree and preferably a MSc degree in a hydrology, atmospheric science, natural resources, or an environmental engineering field. The successful applicant should have interests in hydrology and meteorology. Applicants should have an aptitude for conducting field work in a challenging environment while programming, deploying and maintaining hydrological and meteorological instrumentation. All candidates must demonstrate that they have excellent oral and written communication skills and an ability to work with a diverse research team.

The one year position (with possibility for extension) will be staffed through the University of Saskatchewan Centre for Hydrology and will be based in Whitehorse. Salary will be commensurate with level of experience and demonstrated abilities.

Applications will be reviewed starting June 15, 2015. The position will remain open until a suitable candidate is found. See further details at Please email your CV, cover letter, and names and contact information of three references to Joni Onclin at

This posting is available in PDF format here.

PDF Opportunities at CH and GIWS

Applications are invited for three Post-Doctoral Fellowships in cold regions hydrological modelling in the Centre for Hydrology and Global Institute for Water Security at the University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada.

Large-scale Modelling – snow model development, including data assimilation
Snow and cold regions processes are extremely important to understand for hydrological forecasting in the Prairie Provinces. A PDF is required to build upon past work to incorporate state-of-the-art snow processes critical to proper snowpack development in the Prairie Provinces, as well as new techniques for estimating snow accumulation and melt properly in Mountainous, Prairie and Boreal Forest biomes. This research will draw on ground-based and remotely sensed data and model products, as well as a network of observatories for model evaluation and further development, and include intercomparison with international modelling systems, including the UK’s JULES and USA’s WRF models. Progress has already led to development and preliminary testing of an improved Prairie land surface algorithm; this work will be developed further for large-scale application. The successful applicant will have excellent computational and programming skills, previous experience of hydrological modelling and ideally of cold region processes and data assimilation.

Modelling for the Diagnosis of Environmental Change
A PDF is required to develop modelling tools for the diagnosis of change using cold region hydrological and hydro-ecological process models within a framework of uncertainty analysis, and to support their uptake and application in process and modelling studies across the network. The successful applicant will have excellent computational and programming skills and previous experience of algorithm development and analysis of model performance using multi-objective, Monte-Carlo based methods for parameter identifiability and uncertainty analysis.

Large-scale Modelling – assimilation of improved precipitation products
Remote sensing estimates of precipitation and high resolution modelling present exciting opportunities for improved hydrological forecasting. A PDF is required to undertake analysis of the strengths and limitations for large-scale hydrological modelling of various precipitation products that are currently available or in development. This includes ground-based data products, the CaPA merged re-analysis and data product, GPM remote sensing data, and high resolution atmospheric modelling. The successful applicant will have excellent computational skills, previous experience of remote sensing and ideally also of data assimilation for hydrological modelling. Good programming skills will be an advantage.

These posts will be able to take advantage of the NSERC Changing Cold Regions Network – CCRN is investigating a set of critical cold region environments, including the Western Cordillera, Western Boreal Forest, Lowland Permafrost and Prairies, and their integrated response at the scales of the Saskatchewan and Mackenzie river basins and the regional climate system. Environment Canada (EC) is a key partner in CCRN, and has a particular interest in improving its large-scale modelling capability, i.e. land surface schemes and large-scale hydrological models. While primarily based in Saskatoon, modellers will be encouraged to engage with science conducted from the U of S Coldwater Laboratory in the Centre for Hydrology’s Canadian Rockies Hydrological Observatory

Interested applicants are encouraged to contact Kate Wilson, Executive Assistant, GIWS, with a copy of their CV, resume and a cover letter.

Seeking World-Class Students and Postdoctoral Fellows in Water-Related Research

The Global Institute for Water Security at the University of Saskatchewan is continuing to build a $30+ million interdisciplinary experimental and modelling research program in Western Canada. We invite applications for graduate studentships and postdoctoral fellowships for research in the following areas. For more information and full listings, visit

  • Hydrological Modelling & Data Assimilation
  • Diagnosis of Environmental Change (PDF) –develop modelling tools for diagnosis of change (using hydrological/hydro-ecological process models) within framework of uncertainty analysis.
  • Assimilation of Improved Precipitation Products (PDF) –analysis of strengths/limitations for large-scale hydrological modelling of various precipitation products & associated modelling uncertainty.
  • Snow Model Development (PDF) –build on previous work to incorporate improved snowpack development & assimilate remote sensing snow data into existing large-scale models.
  • Watershed Modelling & System Identification (PDF) –address issues including scale, transferability, non-stationarity, complexity v. fidelity, uncertainty, architecture &parameterization, calibration.
  • Water Resources Modelling (PhD) –develop watershed modelling/management framework to represent scale-appropriate natural & human-induced processes (with extensive optimization/uncertainty analysis).
  • Artificial Intelligence in Water Resources (masters) –develop Artificial Neural Network tools for various applications in water resources modelling/management.
  • Hydrological Process Modelling (masters, possibly PhD) –application of mathematical modelling to address climate & land use change impacts on hydrological processes in the southern boreal forest.
  • Applied Limnology (PhD or masters) -effects of climate change on lakes, effects of agricultural activity on water quality, and algal bloom ecology.
  • Ecosystem Monitoring and Analysis (PhD) –fine-scale patterns of tree growth and allocation in the southern boreal forest.
  • GIS and Remote Sensing (PDF) –support research/understanding of the hydrological, hydraulic & ice regimes of Mackenzie and Saskatchewan River basins.

Review of applications begins 25 November 2014 and continues until suitable candidates are identified.

Opportunities at the US NOAA / UCAR National Water Center

The US NOAA National Water Center, located on the University of Alabama’s campus at Tuscaloosa, is currently advertising a number of opportunities which may be of interest to CH students and other hydrologists.

The advertisement – which also provides an interesting insight into the breadth and depth of the enhancement of US federal research activities relating to hydrology – is available at

CRHM Computer Modeller Opportunity, Yellowknife

The Centre for Hydrology at the University of Saskatchewan is seeking to hire a
Computer Modeller to work in Yellowknife, NWT

We seek a hydrological modeller with

  • a working knowledge of C++
  • an excellent understanding of northern hydrology and cold regions hydrological processes
  • experience of running hydrological models for prediction
  • hydrometric and hydrometeorological data management experience

Once appointed, the successful applicant will be trained at the Centre for Hydrology, University of Saskatchewan, on the Cold Regions Hydrological Model (CRHM). He or she will then be stationed at the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (ENR) office in Yellowknife. This position is funded by a grant from the Canadian Water Network for the purpose of knowledge application.

The modeller will be responsible for the interactive training of ENR staff on the use and application of CRHM for the purpose of improving their predictive capacity with respect to water resources in the Northwest Territories. The modeller will also work with a model interface developer for the purpose of refining and customising the interface so that it meets the needs of the ENR and their user communities. This is a one-year position commencing 1 April or 1 May 2014, with a salary of $62,000, plus benefits and vacation pay.

Applicants are invited to submit a CV, cover letter and the names and contact details of three referees. Applications and questions regarding this position should be directed to the address below. Applications by email are preferred.

William Quinton,
Cold Regions Research Centre,
Wilfrid Laurier University,
Waterloo, Canada, N2L 3C5.
519-884-0710, ext. 3281

GIWS Faculty Position in Watershed Modelling

Global Institute for Water Security and School of Environment and Sustainability: Faculty Position in Watershed Modelling

The School of Environment and Sustainability (SENS) at the University of Saskatchewan (U of S) invites applications for a full-time tenure-track faculty position at the level of assistant, associate, or full professor. The successful candidate will join a core interdisciplinary science and modelling team to support the development of a $30 million research programme within the University’s Global Institute for Water Security (GIWS) led by Canada Excellence Research Chair (CERC) in Water Security, Howard Wheater. The Institute combines expertise in natural sciences, engineering and social sciences and brings together over 120 faculty, scientists, students and post-doctoral fellows to address the local, regional and global challenges of water security. World-class facilities include the Canadian Light Source synchrotron, the Toxicology Centre, the Centre for Hydrology and Environment Canada’s National Hydrology Research Centre, in which GIWS is housed. We anticipate appointing either a young scientist of outstanding promise or a senior Faculty member with a recognized track record of international leadership in his or her field. A senior appointee would be expected to play a leading role in the management and further development of GIWS in collaboration with Director Howard Wheater and Associate Director Jeffrey McDonnell.

The appointee will be required to address one or more of the core themes of the CERC programme (Climate Change and Water Security, Land-Water Management and Environmental Change, Sustainable Development of Natural Resources) and to contribute to the development of interdisciplinary water research across the U of S and with external partners such as Environment Canada. One major focus for interdisciplinary research is the Saskatchewan River Basin Project, a World Climate Research Programme Regional Hydroclimate Project that builds on a set of world-class observatories to develop improved hydrological, water quality and water resource models for decision support. GIWS also leads Canada’s Changing Cold Regions Network, a $5 million multi-institutional effort that addresses environmental change in the interior of Western Canada, from the Rocky Mountains to the Arctic Ocean. Expertise is specifically required in the area of watershed modelling, with preference given to candidates with experience of working at large scales. Ability to teach statistical/stochastic hydrology is also required, and experience of remote sensing data assimilation would be an advantage. The candidate will also be expected to teach in the broader SENS curriculum.

Successful candidates must have a PhD and an established national or international reputation for research in one of the core themes of the CERC programme listed above. Excellence will be demonstrated through recent peer reviewed papers and citations in top tier journals, the ability to secure research funding and a proven track record of teaching and research supervision (scaled to years since PhD and desired rank at appointment). Excellent interpersonal skills are required, and evidence of successful research collaboration with national stakeholders and international researchers is desirable. For senior appointees, evidence of administrative experience relevant to managing and/or developing a research unit is essential.

Successful candidates will be appointed to a position within SENS, but may also seek a joint appointment with another academic unit, if desired and appropriate. A junior appointment will be tenure track. For a senior appointee, appointment with tenure is possible, where justified by a documented track record that meets the standards for research and teaching at the University of Saskatchewan. Review of applications will begin May 12, 2014, and continue until suitable candidates are found. Salary bands for this post are as follows: Assistant Professor – $86,844 – $104,357; Associate Professor – $104,357 – $121,871 and Professor – $121,871 – $142,303). This position comes with a comprehensive benefits package which includes pension plan, life insurance (compulsory and voluntary), academic long term disability, sick leave, travel insurance, death benefit, dental plan, extended health and vision care plan, employee assistance program and flexible health and wellness spending program.

The U of S is located in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada (, a city of ~250,000 on the South Saskatchewan River with a diverse and thriving economic base, a strong research cluster, a vibrant arts community and a full range of leisure opportunities. The boreal forest and world-class recreational opportunities exist within a 1.5 hour drive north of Saskatoon. The University has a reputation for excellence in teaching, research and scholarly activities, and offers a full range of undergraduate, graduate and professional programs to a student population of about 20,000. The University is one of Canada’s leading research-intensive universities. For information about the U of S, SENS and GIWS, please visit, and

The University of Saskatchewan is committed to employment equity. Members of designated groups (women, aboriginal people, people with disabilities and visible minorities) are encouraged to self-identify on their applications. Applications will be judged solely on academic promise and achievement, but for candidates of equal ability, Canadian citizens and permanent residents will be given priority.

To be considered for this opportunity, please send your CV, a letter of introduction, the names of three referees, and a summary of your research vision (1-page) and graduate training philosophy (1 page) in confidence to:
Kate Wilson, Global Institute for Water Security, U of S, Saskatoon, SK Canada S7N 3H5; E-mail:

Opportunities in the Changing Cold Regions Network

The Changing Cold Regions Network (CCRN) is a major new initiative to be led by the Global Institute for Water Security, with substantial participation by members of the Centre for Hydrology, and linking 8 Canadian universities, 4 government agencies and 15 key international academic collaborators.
Participants will study interactions between cryospheric, ecological, hydrological and climate components at multiple scales, with particular emphasis on Western Canada’s rapidly changing cold interior, including the Western Cordillera, Western Boreal Forest, Lowland Permafrost and Prairies, the Saskatchewan, Mackenzie and Peace-Athabasca basins, and the regional climate system.
The network is now seeking a number of world-class post-graduate students and post-doctoral fellows, as detailed in the full listing available in PDF format here. More information about GIWS is available at