Category Archives: News
U of S student wins Garfield Weston award
May (Xiu Juan) Guan has won the prestigious Garfield Weston Award for Northern Research (Masters) from the Canadian Northern Studies Trust Program.
U of S Student wins D.M. Gray Award
Congratulations to Gro Lilbaek, PhD student in the Centre for Hydrology, for winning the D.M.Gray Award from the Canadian Geophysical Union – Hydrology Section at the 2008 CGU Meeting for her paper Enhanced Infiltration Reduces Ion Load in Infiltration Excess Water during Snowmelt.
The DM Gray Award is the highest student prize awarded in Canadian Hydrology and is dedicated to the standards set by the late Professor Don Gray, Chairman of the University of Saskatchewan’s Division of Hydrology for over 35 years. The competition involves review of a submitted paper and oral presentation by a panel of hydrology experts.
Congratulations Gro on a job well done!
U of S Hydrology in the News
Saskatchewan has always been known for its extreme weather and highly variable water supplies. Lately, however, the extremes have become more severe and less predictable.
In 2007, the spring snow melt set records in east central Saskatchewan, while a drought developed in the southwest. August was one of the coldest and wettest on record in parts of the province. Flooding destroyed homes and communities and ruined crops—if the intense heat in July hadn’t already burnt them. University of Saskatchewan hydrologist John Pomeroy is trying to decipher why this is happening and how we can best cope with the effect of climate change on water resources. “Saskatchewan agriculture is set up for extremes already, as every farmer has had to deal with drought or floods at various times,” says Pomeroy. “Our interest in climate change is in understanding how it causes these extreme variations in water supply and weather.” The Canada Research Chair in Water Resources and Climate Change and director of the U of S Centre for Hydrology says his team’s work will help cities, farmers and industry plan and prepare for the effect of extreme weather on water resources.
Five NSERC Scholarships to Hydrology Graduate Students
The Centre for Hydrology is delighted at the success of five of its students in the recent NSERC Alexander Graham Bell Scholarship (formerly Canada Graduate Scholarships) competition:
PhD Chris DeBeer, Chad Ellis, Nicholas Kinar
MSc Adam Minke, Erin Shaw
Congratulations to all on this important confirmation of your abilities and promise.
CGU-HS Prairies Student Conference
This year the seventh annual Canadian Geophysical Union – Hydrology Section (CGU-HS) Prairies student conference was held on January 26th at the University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon. Overall, the conference was attended by over 40 people from the National Hydrology Research Centre in Saskatoon, the University of Alberta, the University of Calgary, the University of Lethbridge and the University of Saskatchewan. A full list of talks and their corresponding written abstracts are provided below (or at inserted link). Funding for this event was provided by the Department of Geography of the University of Saskatchewan as well as the CGU-HS.
Photograph taken by John Pomeroy. Click on it for larger version.
What’s Happening with our Water and Weather? Managing Climate Change and Water Resources
By Mari-Louise Rowley
Saskatchewan has always been known for its extreme weather and highly variable water supplies. Lately, however, the extremes have become more severe and less predictable.
In 2007, the spring snow melt set records in east central Saskatchewan, while a drought developed in the southwest. August was one of the coldest and wettest on record in parts of the province. Flooding destroyed homes and communities and ruined crops—if the intense heat in July hadn’t already burnt them.
University of Saskatchewan hydrologist John Pomeroy is trying to decipher why this is happening and how we can best cope with the effect of climate change on water resources.
“Saskatchewan agriculture is set up for extremes already, as every farmer has had to deal with drought or floods at various times,” says Pomeroy. “Our interest in climate change is in understanding how it causes these extreme variations in water supply and weather.”
The Canada Research Chair in Water Resources and Climate Change and director of the U of S Centre for Hydrology says his team’s work will help cities, farmers and industry plan and prepare for the effect of extreme weather on water resources.
Scientists try to gauge mountain water supplies
by Lynn Martel, Rocky Mountain Outlook