R Lunch Wednesday 15th October 11:30am

This month’s R Lunch will take place on Wednesday October 15th at 11:30am in Physics 126.

It will be presented by Phillip Harder, who is a Ph.D. candidate at the Centre for Hydrology. The title of his presentation is: How reproducible is your research?: Principles and R examples

Bring your lunch and learn something new!

R Lunch, Wednesday 17 September

You are invited to the next R Lunch, an occasional series showing how R is used in the university.

It will be on Wednesday September 17 at 12:00 noon in Arts 213.

This session will be presented by Dr. Nicole Nadorozny, who is currently a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Dept. of Computer Science.
Her presentation touches on R, GIS and hydrology, so will be of interest to many people.

WaterToolbox Tool – A River Health Assessment Tool

Presentation Summary:
A scientifically-based statistical protocol for conducting baseline assessments in river indicators was developed for Saskatchewan Watersheds using R open source software. The empirical assessments quantify the state of rivers and indicate if conditions have stayed the same, improved or deteriorated given time series available.

A WaterToolbox tool for ESRI ArcGIS was developed to implement the statistical framework for system application. The tool uses monitoring data from Provincial and Federal sources accessed via a file geodatabase and runs the R scripts through a Python interface within the ArcGIS platform.

Bring your lunch and learn something new!

R Lunch – Wednesday January 22nd

The first R Lunch of 2014 is scheduled for Wednesday January 22nd in AGRI 2E17 from 11:30 to 12:30.

Dr Nicole Michel (School of Environment and Sustainability) will present on Dynamic Factor Analysis. DFA is similar to Principal Components Analysis but for time series, and is useful for identifying relationships between time series and environmental covariates.

If time permits, there will also be demonstrations of some useful, but under-used, R commands.

Bring your lunch and learn something new!

R Lunch – Wednesday November 27th

This month’s R Lunch will be on Wednesday November 27th in AGRI 1E85, from 11:30 to 12:30.

There will be two presentations:

Dr Jill Johnstone (Department of Biology) will present on spatial multivariate analyses using R.

Dr Sun Chun (Global Institute for Water Security) will demonstrate a new package called RGLIMCLIM (A multisite, multivariate daily weather generator based on Generalized Linear Models) which he uses for downscaling precipitation time series.

Bring your lunch and learn something new!