Best Presentation Award: The Western Snow Conference Best Paper Award was given to John Pomeroy, Matt MacDonald, Chris DeBeer and Tom Brown for their paper “Alpine Snow Hydrology in the Canadian Rocky Mountains” at the 77th Annual WSC in Canmore, Alberta 23 April 2009.
CGU Best Student Paper: The Canadian Geophysical Union Best Student Paper Award was given to Nicholas Kinar for the paper “Acoustic Observation of Snowpack Physical Properties” at the CGU-AGU Meeting in Toronto, Ontario, 27 May 2009
CAG Award: The Canadian Association of Geographers gave the CAG Award for the most outstanding students graduating in Geography honours/majors programmes at universities or colleges across Canada to Chris Marsh who graduated this spring and will be continuing as a MSc student in the Centre for Hydrology.
Congratulations to all of you on a job well done!