CH / CSHS Kananaskis short course, March 2014

The University of Saskatchewan’s Centre for Hydrology and the Canadian Society for Hydrological Sciences will again be offering their successful and popular intensive course on the physical principles of hydrology, with particular relevance to Canadian conditions.

The course will take place at the University of Calgary Biogeoscience Institute’s Barrier Lake Station in the Kananaskis Valley, Alberta, from March 1-12, 2014.

Full details are available here. Demand is perennially high, so we must operate a policy of ‘first come, first served’!

Alberta Floods – Continuing Media Contributions

Persisting media interest in the wake of this summer’s floods in Canmore, Calgary and much of Southern Alberta has resulted in more requests for CH Director Prof. John Pomeroy’s input.

On Monday 16th September he participated in CBC Radio One’s The World at Six, talking about the floods themselves, and the additional challenges which non-stationarity – as a result of climate change – introduces to flood prediction.

He has also contributed to two articles in the High River Times;
9 September: Hydrologist warns of disastrous rain-on-snow flooding
16 September: Canadian flood mitigation projects possible solutions