Seeking World-Class Students and Postdoctoral Fellows in Water-Related Research

The Global Institute for Water Security at the University of Saskatchewan is continuing to build a $30+ million interdisciplinary experimental and modelling research program in Western Canada. We invite applications for graduate studentships and postdoctoral fellowships for research in the following areas. For more information and full listings, visit

  • Hydrological Modelling & Data Assimilation
  • Diagnosis of Environmental Change (PDF) –develop modelling tools for diagnosis of change (using hydrological/hydro-ecological process models) within framework of uncertainty analysis.
  • Assimilation of Improved Precipitation Products (PDF) –analysis of strengths/limitations for large-scale hydrological modelling of various precipitation products & associated modelling uncertainty.
  • Snow Model Development (PDF) –build on previous work to incorporate improved snowpack development & assimilate remote sensing snow data into existing large-scale models.
  • Watershed Modelling & System Identification (PDF) –address issues including scale, transferability, non-stationarity, complexity v. fidelity, uncertainty, architecture &parameterization, calibration.
  • Water Resources Modelling (PhD) –develop watershed modelling/management framework to represent scale-appropriate natural & human-induced processes (with extensive optimization/uncertainty analysis).
  • Artificial Intelligence in Water Resources (masters) –develop Artificial Neural Network tools for various applications in water resources modelling/management.
  • Hydrological Process Modelling (masters, possibly PhD) –application of mathematical modelling to address climate & land use change impacts on hydrological processes in the southern boreal forest.
  • Applied Limnology (PhD or masters) -effects of climate change on lakes, effects of agricultural activity on water quality, and algal bloom ecology.
  • Ecosystem Monitoring and Analysis (PhD) –fine-scale patterns of tree growth and allocation in the southern boreal forest.
  • GIS and Remote Sensing (PDF) –support research/understanding of the hydrological, hydraulic & ice regimes of Mackenzie and Saskatchewan River basins.

Review of applications begins 25 November 2014 and continues until suitable candidates are identified.

Prairie Hydrological Modelling Webinar, Monday November 17th

Prof. John Pomeroy will be giving a webinar on The Impact of Wetland Drainage on the Hydrology of a Northern Prairie Watershed to the Association of State Wetland Managers on Monday November 17th at 2 pm Saskatchewan time (1 pm Mountain time).

The talk will detail CH research at Smith Creek, with respect to the hydrological implications of its changing climate and the implications of wetland drainage, as investigated through hydrological model simulations.

If you would like to know more about this research, the webinar will be available at this link.  Thanks are due to co-authors Stacey Dumanski, Logan Fang, Kevin Shook, Cherie Westbrook and Xulin Guo.

Abstract: The Prairie Hydrological Model simulates blowing snow redistribution, snowmelt, infiltration to frozen soils and the fill and spill of networks of prairie wetlands.  The model was used to simulate the hydrology of Smith Creek, Saskatchewan, Canada with various wetland extent scenarios.  This model simulation exercise shows that prairie wetland drainage can increase annual and peak daily flows substantially, and that notable increases to estimates of the annual volume and peak daily flow of the flood of record have derived from wetland drainage to date and will proceed with further wetland drainage.

The Nature of Things features CH research

CBC’s documentary program The Nature of Things has produced an episode called Chasing Snowflakes, which features The Centre for Hydrology’s research in the Canadian Rockies: it will air on Thursday, Nov. 13th at 8pm on CBC TV local channels.

More information is available on the epoisode’s web-page, here.

Pomeroy to Chair and Present at UN Climate Change and Water Workshop

Professor John Pomeroy has been invited to chair sessions and present at the UNESCO International Workshop on Climate Change Impacts on Snow, Glacier and Water Resources: Multidisciplinary Network for Adaptation Strategies (www) to be held 6-7 November at the International Centre for Water Resources and Global Change in Koblenz, Germany.

Pomeroy’s talk will be on Alpine snow hydrology and the International Network for Alpine Research Catchment Hydrology – water towers for the world. The talk will outline the activities of a new collaborative research network led by Pomeroy, INARCH – the International Network for Alpine Research Catchment Hydrology.

Research contributing to INARCH is taking place in the Americas, Europe and Asia and is demonstrating the tremendous sensitivity of alpine water supplies to climate warming. By better observations and modelling of mountain snowpacks and their melt, INARCH hopes to identify the most vulnerable mountain snowpacks and the implications of their loss for downstream water supplies.

The Workshop will inform UN climate change policy and the International Hydrological Programme activities relating to sustainable water supply. The UN’s overall aim for the Workshop is to connect scientific research, policy development and action, and identify recommendations to enhance the interface between science and policy to develop sustainable adaptation strategies.