Module 1: Learning Activities

Canvas Discussion Post – M1P1

Throughout the course you’ll be asked to post to the Canvas Discussion Forums about a variety of topics and start conversations with your peers through comments.

This week’s post asks you to write about your “First Drama Moment”. In the Canvas Discussions write around 200 words about your first memory of drama/theatre. Perhaps it was the Christmas play in church or the school pageant. Maybe it’s something your parents or grandparents took you to see. We want to hear about what it was and why you think you’ve retained that memory. What about the experience was memorable for you?

Theatrical Events Calendar

The second activity for this week is for you to discover what’s happening in your community over the next thirteen weeks. One of the assignments for this course will be to attend and review a theatrical performance sometime during the semester. Because this is an online course and students could be taking it from all across the country we wanted to make a community calendar of events and places so your peers know what events are coming up.

Explore your local theatrical events through local events calendars, community boards, newspapers and radio programs and post the events on the Theatre Events Calendar so that others may see what’s going on in your neck of the woods.