Module 10: Learning Activities

Drafting Your Designs

Now you have a collective vision for your theatrical production–informed by the text as your blueprint–it’s time to get creative! During this week you will start designing the set and costumes, and sketching out the “dream” cast for the play. Here again are your deliverables according to roles:

Director: submit casting choices for all characters. Parts with larger casts may double or triple cast actors, but be sure to indicate who is playing which role.

Set/Scenic Designer: develop the set/scenic design using drawing, painting, (scanned), digital drawing (i.e. Sketchup, Photoshop or online drawing apps).

Costume Designer: develop costume designs for THREE (3) lead characters using drawings, paintings (scanned), photographs.

You may want to Create new Pages in your Canvas Group to house your drafted deliverables while you work.

Take another look at the Sample Production Design created in WordPress to get a sense of what you’re shooting for;
See a sample Production Design

By the end of the week, once you have made your initial casting choices and have drafts of the designs done, you will share those with each other and get some feedback. So get to work, and have a productive, creative week!