John Pomeroy Climate Change Webinar – part 1, May 27th

Canada’s Climate and Water Futures- Which Future Will We Choose?
Creative Solutions for a New World Climate Series 

“Award-winning author; Chair of Water and Climate Security at the United Nations University Institute for Water, Environment and Health; and senior policy advisor, Bob Sandford, will join us again on Wednesday, May 27th, for a fascinating discussion with the much celebrated Dr. John Pomeroy, Canada Research Chair in Water Resources and Climate Change; Associate Director, Global Institute for Water Security; and Director of the Global Water Futures Program.

The effects of climate change are magnified in Canada’s North and other cold regions where global warming is changing landscapes, ecosystems and the water environments faster than any other region on Earth. The goal of the Global Water Futures Program is to forecast water futures and use leading edge science to deliver risk management solutions. Through this research, Canada will become a global leader in water science in cold regions and will address the strategic needs for the Canadian economy in adapting to change and managing risks associated with uncertain water futures and extreme events.”

May 27th, 2020
11am-noon Pacific Time

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See the video here.


Postponed- John Pomeroy to discuss the results of the Bow River project in Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) webinar June 3rd

Canada’s Climate Change Adaptation Platform is please to offer:

A Blueprint for Climate Change and Future Flooding: A Case Study of Calgary’s Bow and Elbow River Basins

Presenter: Dr. John Pomeroy

Wednesday, June 3, 2020, 2-3 PM (ET) 

Abstract: While increases in precipitation and temperature have been observed across Canada in the last half-century and are predicted for the future as climate change proceeds, there is still little understanding of how climate change will affect future streamflow and flooding in Canada due to the complexity of meteorological, hydrological, and water management aspects of flooding. This project modelled the historical and future changes in the flow frequencies of the Bow and Elbow river basins above Calgary to better understand how natural . processes and reservoir management contribute to river flow and flood frequency estimates and how they can be expected to change with a changing climate through the 21st C. In this webinar geared toward technical experts, Dr. John Pomeroy will present the case study and methodology for incorporating climate change into flood frequency and water supply estimates, including a blueprint for applying these lessons in river basins across Canada.

Register here.
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