Special Seminar with Dmitri Kavetski: Thursday, March 14, 2019 @ 12 pm CST

The Global Institute for Water Security, Centre for Hydrology and Global Water Future’s is pleased to host a special seminar by Dmitri Kavetski, Professor and Deputy Head of the School of Civil, Environmental, Computer and Mining Engineering at the University of Adelaide. The presentation takes place on Thursday, March 14, 2019, at 12:00 pm CST in the NHRC Seminar Room 1261. Dmitri’s presentation is entitled Advances and challenges in probabilistic hydrological modelling at the catchment scale.


Attached is a poster, please feel free to pass on this to others who think may be interested. For those of you who will not be in Saskatoon at this time, the lecture will be live streamed and viewable here – https://www.usask.ca/water/lecture-series/special-seminars.php.

UNU-INWEH Report on Canada in the Global Water World

The final version of Canada in the Global Water World: Analysis of Capabilities report has been recently released. The report examines the capacity of Canada’s water sector with respect to meeting and helping other countries meet the water-related targets of the UN’s global sustainable development agenda.

Co-authors of this report include Centre for Hydrology director John Pomeroy and members Robert Sandford and Chris DeBeer.

To read the report click here: Canada in the Global Water World_final

INARCH 4th Annual Workshop

The International Network for Alpine Research Catchment Hydrology (INARCH) is hosting their 4th Annual Workshop in Conjunction with the GEWEX Hydroclimate Panel and ANDEX workshop this October in Chile.

Some important dates include:

  • ANDEX: Mon – Wed, 22-24 Oct, Santiago
  • GHP: Wed – Fri, 24-26 Oct, Santiago
  • INARCH: Wed 24 (Santiago), Thu-Fri, 25-26 Oct (Portillo)
    • Wed 24 in the morning, joint meeting ANDEX/GHP/INARCH
    • Wed 24 in the afternoon: GHP runs parallel to ANDEX, INARCH travels to Portillo

For more information, visit https://www.gewex.org/event/ghp-andex-workshop-santiago-chili/

U of S Water Week – March 21-25

Water is life. And water security – both quality and supply – is one of the most critical issues facing the planet.
Join us during U of S Water Week to celebrate our new $30-million Canada Excellence Research Chair in Water Security, and hear how some top U of S researchers are helping to protect and manage this precious global resource, through a series of events.
More information is available here.

Short Course: “The Physical Principles of Hydrology”

The Canadian Society for Hydrological Sciences, in partnership with the University of Saskatchewan, is offering a short course entitled “The Physical Principles of Hydrology” to be held at the University of Calgary’s Biogeoscience Institute’s Barrier Lake Station in the Kananaskis Valley from March 2 – 11, 2010.
This course is directed to graduate students and early to mid-level career water resource engineers, hydrologists, aquatic ecologists and technologists from Canada who are either working directly in the disciplines presented or are looking to broaden their understanding of hydrological systems and processes. Details and registration are now available at http://www.cwra.org/branches/cshs/Principles_of_Hydrology_Workshop.aspx. There is room for 40 students. For further information, please contact Dr. Christopher Spence at chris.spence@ec.gc.ca or Dr. John Pomeroy at john.pomeroy@usask.ca.

Dr. Edgar Herrera Appointed IP3 Atmosphere-Land Surface Modeller

Dr. Edgar Herrera, PhD has been appointed the IP3 Atmosphere-Land Surface Modeller for the Improved Processes and Parameterisation for Prediction in Cold Regions Network at the Centre for Hydrology. Dr. Herrera is a graduate of Univ. du Quebec, INRS-ETE in Quebec and UQAM in Montreal where he specialized in regional climate modelling and statistical hydrology. He brings a specialized capability to run atmospheric models to the Centre for Hydrology and will be focussing on running the GEM-LAM and CLASS for IP3 research basins and investigating atmospheric feedbacks from improved land surface representation of snow, ice and soil frost processes. He will also be examining scaling relationships and problems associated with running large scale atmospheric models over complex terrain to drive hydrological models.
Welcome to Saskatoon Edgar!